Mass Spectrometry
Associated Departments
research area of
Ahn, Natalie,
Distinguished Professor,
Barnard, Holly Rene,
Associate Dean of Research,
Institute of Arctic & Alpine Research (INSTAAR)
Bierbaum, Veronica M,
Professor Emerita/Emeritus,
Browne, Ellie,
Associate Professor,
Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES)
Cantrell, Christopher Allen,
Research Affiliate,
Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (ATOC)
Crow, Carolyn Alicia,
Assistant Professor,
Geological Sciences
Dyonisius, Michael Nathaniel,
PostDoctoral Associate,
Institute of Arctic & Alpine Research (INSTAAR)
Ferrer, Imma ,
Research Associate,
Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering
Jimenez, Jose Luis,
Distinguished Professor,
Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES)
Kempf, Sascha,
Associate Professor,
Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP)
Kopf, Sebastian H,
Associate Professor,
Geological Sciences
Luger, Karolin ,
Distinguished Professor, Jennie Smoly Caruthers Endowed Chair, and Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator,
Mansfeldt, Cresten Brant,
Assistant Professor,
Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering
Mojzsis, Stephen J,
Professor Emerita/Emeritus,
Geological Sciences
Morris, Valerie,
Sr Professional Research Asst,
Institute of Arctic & Alpine Research (INSTAAR)
Neubauer, Cajetan,
Research Associate,
Geological Sciences
Old, William,
Research Affiliate,
Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology (MCDB)
SepĂșlveda, Julio,
Associate Professor,
Institute of Arctic & Alpine Research (INSTAAR)
Toohey, Darin W,
Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (ATOC)
Wang, Xiang,
Associate Professor,
Weber, Mathias,
Ziemann, Paul Jeffrey,
Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES)