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Publications in VIVO

Zhang, Dan



Research Areas research areas


research overview

  • Dr. Zhang's current primary research interest is revenue management and pricing. In the last few years, he worked on approximate dynamic programming methods for large-scale dynamic optimization problems and on consumer behavior models with applications to revenue management and pricing. His research has been published in journals including Operations Research, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, Production and Operations Management, Transportation Science, INFORMS Journal on Computing, European Journal of Operational Research, and Journal of Pricing and Revenue Management. Dr. Zhang served as a reviewer for several academic journals, and regularly presents at international conferences. Dr. Zhang received research grants from NSERC (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada), SSHRC (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada), and FQRSC (Fonds de recherché Societe et Culture Quebec).


  • revenue management and pricing, supply chain management, healthcare operations, dynamic programming and optimization, stochastic modeling, game theoretical models, consumer behavior models


selected publications


courses taught

  • MBAC 6030 - Quantitative Methods
    Primary Instructor - Summer 2019
    Covers foundations for statistical reasoning and statistical applications in business. Topics include graduate-level treatment of descriptive statistics,probability, probability distributions, sampling theory and sampling distributions, and statistical inference (estimation and hypothesis testing). Provides an introduction to regression analysis, analysis of variance, time series forecasting, decision analysis, index numbers, and nonparametric methods.
  • MSBX 5415 - Advanced Data Analytics
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2019 / Spring 2020 / Spring 2021 / Fall 2021 / Fall 2022 / Fall 2023
    Explores the capabilities and challenges of data-driven business decision making and prepares students to lead in analytics-driven organizations. Introduces a set of common predictive and prescriptive analytics tools. Students apply the analytics tools to important decisions based on practical data sets from various companies. Analytics software packages are used extensively in the course.
  • OPIM 7330 - Advanced Operations Management Modeling
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2021
    Covers concepts, models and solution techniques relevant to the management of the processes required to provide goods or services to consumers. Emphasizes supply chain systems topics such as production, inventory, distribution and scheduling. Management science and operations research methodology is also applied to problems such as facility capacity planning, facility design and location analysis.


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