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Publications in VIVO

Taylor, Scott

Associate Professor


Research Areas research areas


research overview

  • Research in the Taylor Lab applies genomics and field experiments to natural hybrid zones and closely related taxa in order to investigate the architecture of reproductive isolation—the hallmark of speciation—and the genetic bases of traits relevant to speciation. This research also provides insight into the impacts of anthropogenic change, including climate change, on species distributions, interactions, and evolution.


  • hybridization, speciation, population genetics, genomics, natural history


selected publications


courses taught

  • EBIO 1210 - General Biology 1
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2018
    Lect. Provides a concentrated introduction to molecular, cellular, genetic, and evolutionary biology. Emphasizes fundamental principles, concepts, facts, and questions. Intended for science majors.
  • EBIO 4100 - Advanced Ecology
    Primary Instructor - Summer 2019
    Emphasizes specific aspects of ecology based on specialties of faculty. One or more courses are offered most semesters. Topics have included dynamics of mountain ecosystems, tundra ecology, ethnoecology, population dynamics, tropical and insular biology, ecology of fishes, quantitative plant ecology, and arctic and alpine environments. May use animals and/or animal tissues. Recommended prerequisites: EBIO 1210 and EBIO 1220 and EBIO 1230 and EBIO 1240 and EBIO 2040 or EBIO 2640 (minimum grade C-). May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours provided the topics vary. Same as EBIO 5100.
  • EBIO 4270 - Population Genetics
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2019 / Fall 2020 / Fall 2021
    Provides an in-depth applied introduction to population genetics. Lectures, discussions and labs will focus on exploring how evolutionary processes shape genetic variation through time and space and how population-level evolutionary processes can be inferred from patterns of genetic variation. While learning basic population genetic theory we will investigate current topics in the field and work with simulated and real data. Same as EBIO 5270.
  • EBIO 4460 - Special Topics
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2018 / Fall 2021 / Summer 2022 / Fall 2024
    Familiarizes students with specialized areas of biology. May be repeated up to 15 total credit hours. Recommended prerequisites: EBIO 1210 and EBIO 1220 and EBIO 1230 and EBIO 1240 (minimum grade C-). Same as EBIO 5460.
  • EBIO 4750 - Ornithology
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2018 / Spring 2020 / Spring 2021 / Spring 2023
    Lect., lab, and field trips. Presents origin, evolution, ecology, physical and behavioral characteristics and taxonomy of orders and families of birds of North America; field work with local species emphasizing avian ecology. Uses animals and/or animal tissues. Recommended prerequisites: EBIO 1210 and EBIO 1220 and EBIO 1230 and EBIO 1240 (minimum grade C-). Same as EBIO 5750.
  • ... more


awards and honors

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