Biological Sciences
Associated Departments
research area of
Adams, William Walter, III,
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Allen, David Lehigh,
Associate Teaching Professor,
Psychology and Neuroscience
Allen, Mary Ann,
Assoc Research Professor,
Research & Innovation Office
Baratta, Michael V,
Assistant Professor,
Psychology and Neuroscience
Basey, John M,
Associate Teaching Professor,
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Bortz, David,
Applied Mathematics
Chin, Karen,
University of Colorado Museum of Natural History
Cundiff, Mel,
Assoc Professor Emerita/Emeritus,
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Davies, Kendi F,
Associate Professor,
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Donaldson, Zoe Rebecca,
Associate Professor,
Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology (MCDB)
Duchicela, Sisimac,
Assistant Professor,
Institute of Arctic & Alpine Research (INSTAAR)
Eckert, Carrie Ann,
Research Affiliate,
Renewable & Sustainable Energy Institute (RASEI)
Ehringer, Marissa A,
Institute for Behavioral Genetics (IBG)
Eichel, Kelsie Ann,
Assistant Professor,
Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology (MCDB)
Emery, Nancy C.,
Associate Professor,
Institute of Arctic & Alpine Research (INSTAAR)
Flaxman, Samuel M,
Associate Professor Adjunct,
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Goodrich, Jim,
Grant, Michael,
Vice Provost, Associate Vice Chancellor for Undergraduate Education, and Professor,
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Han, Min,
Distinguished Professor,
Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology (MCDB)
Heinz, Hendrik,
Chemical and Biological Engineering
Heisler, Ruth E,
Teaching Professor of Distinction,
Integrative Physiology
Hernandez, Mark T,
Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering
Hobbs, Steven L,
Teaching Associate Professor,
Integrative Physiology
Kelly, Caitlin,
Assistant Teaching Professor,
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Kociolek, John Patrick,
University of Colorado Museum of Natural History
Kram, Rodger ,
Assoc Professor Emerita/Emeritus,
Integrative Physiology
Kugel, Jennifer,
Research Professor,
Liu, Xuedong,
Manzitto-Tripp, Erin Anne,
Associate Professor,
University of Colorado Museum of Natural History
Melbourne, Brett Andrew,
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Milstead, Ryan Alexander,
PostDoctoral Associate,
Institute for Behavioral Genetics (IBG)
Mitton, Jeffry B,
Professor Emerita/Emeritus,
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Odorizzi, Greg,
Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology (MCDB)
Oliveras, Diana,
Associate Teaching Professor,
A&S Residential Acad Programs
Pace, Norman R,
Professor Emerita/Emeritus,
Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology (MCDB)
Palmer, Amy E,
Honors Program
Pinzone, Cheryl Ann,
Assistant Teaching Professor,
Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology (MCDB)
Poyton, Robert O,
Professor Emerita/Emeritus,
Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology (MCDB)
Quandt, C. Alisha,
Assistant Professor,
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Sawyer, Sara,
Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology (MCDB)
Schaetzel, Amanda Edmiston,
Assistant Teaching Professor,
Integrative Physiology
Smith, Stacey Dewitt,
Associate Professor,
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Spaulding, Sarah A,
Research Associate,
Institute of Arctic & Alpine Research (INSTAAR)
Spencer, Bob,
Professor Emerita/Emeritus,
Psychology and Neuroscience
Stitzel, Jerry A,
Institute for Behavioral Genetics (IBG)
Stock, David W,
Associate Professor,
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Stowell, Michael H. B.,
Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology (MCDB)
Taylor, Scott,
Associate Professor,
Institute of Arctic & Alpine Research (INSTAAR)
Villanea, Fernando A,
Assistant Professor,
Voeltz, Gia Kaarina,
Professor and Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator,
Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology (MCDB)
Wachtel, Howard,
Professor Emerita/Emeritus,
Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering (ECEE)
Watson, Karli K,
Research Affiliate,
Institute of Cognitive Science (ICS)
Wieder, Will,
Research Associate,
Institute of Arctic & Alpine Research (INSTAAR)
Wu, Shi-Kuei,
Professor Emerita/Emeritus,
University of Colorado Museum of Natural History
Zerella, Michael,
Associate Teaching Professor,
A&S Residential Acad Programs