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Publications in VIVO

Dee, Laura

Associate Professor


Research Areas research areas


research overview

  • Sustaining both biodiversity and the benefits nature provides to people (i.e., ecosystem services) is a major challenge for scientists and managers. Achieving both goals is complicated by accelerating global environmental change. In response, my lab’s research combines global change ecology, community ecology, and conservation science and uses quantitative tools from multiple disciplines to understand how ecosystems provide benefits to people, how global change will alter these relationships, and how to best adapt management in response.


selected publications


courses taught

  • EBIO 2040 - Principles of Ecology
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2020 / Spring 2021
    Lecture and laboratory. Introduces principles of ecology, emphasizing patterns and processes at various levels of biological organization. Scope global, but examples often from local environment. Laboratory emphasizes techniques of field biology. Uses animals and/or animal tissues. Recommended prerequisites: EBIO 1030 and EBIO 1040 and EBIO 1050 or EBIO 1210 and EBIO 1220 and EBIO 1230 and EBIO 1240 (minimum grade C-). Same as EBIO 2640 and ENVS 2000.
  • EBIO 3990 - EBIO Honors Thesis Research
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2022
    Provides an introduction to the departmental Honors program. Consists of individual library research on a potential Honors thesis topic under the guidance of a faculty mentor. Recommended prerequisites: minimum 3.2 GPA and approval by departmental honors committee.
  • EBIO 4320 - Conservation Planning and Structured Decision Making
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2022 / Fall 2023 / Fall 2024
    We are impacting our planet at unprecedented rates, creating policy challenges to conserve biological diversity, ecosystems, and the benefits that ecosystems provide to people (e.g., clean water, recreation, climate stabilization). But, how do we best tackle these challenges, given limited resources (time, money) for conservation, and multiple stakeholders with different objectives? This course will provide foundational knowledge in conservation planning and a tool-box to formulate and solve complex problems in ecosystem management and in life. Recommended prerequisites: (EBIO 1220 and EBIO 1240) or (EBIO 1250 and/or EBIO 1100 and EBIO 1110) or EBIO 2040.
  • EBIO 4460 - Special Topics
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2021
    Familiarizes students with specialized areas of biology. May be repeated up to 15 total credit hours. Recommended prerequisites: EBIO 1210 and EBIO 1220 and EBIO 1230 and EBIO 1240 (minimum grade C-). Same as EBIO 5460.
  • EBIO 4990 - EBIO Honors Thesis Research
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2021
    To be taken during the final academic year prior to graduation. Consists of the final phase of honors research and thesis preparation under the guidance of a faculty mentor. Recommended prerequisites: minimum 3.3 GPA and a declared EBIO major and approval by departmental Honors program.
  • ... more


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