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Publications in VIVO

Lindsay, William

Teaching Assistant Professor


Research Areas research areas


research overview

  • I take a design based research perspective when working with education stakeholders to produce, evaluate, and scale infrastructures that support preservice and practicing science teachers in enacting research-based and equity-seeking pedagogies. I use diverse methodologies for evaluation, including ethnography, multi-variate and hierarchical regression, factor analysis, and mixed methods.


selected publications


courses taught

  • EDUA 5018 - Leading in Schools and Systems for Transformation in Science Assessment: Capstone
    Primary Instructor - Summer 2022
    This capstone course will center on teachers� individual or group projects to lead for assessment change in their schools and/or districts. New content will focus on deepening their understanding and being able to use discourses of validity associated with different forms of assessment in the service of advocacy for creating more equitable assessment systems in schools. All teachers will develop a project that is comprised of a plan they can implement with others in their school or district that focuses on creating a more equitable science assessment system within them.
  • EDUC 2020 - Step 1: Inquiry Approaches to Teaching STEM
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2021 / Spring 2022 / Fall 2022 / Spring 2023
    Invites science, mathematics and engineering students to explore teaching as a career by providing first-hand experiences teaching science/math lessons in local elementary classrooms. Introduces theory and practice necessary to design and deliver excellent instruction. Master teachers provide ongoing support and feedback. Meets weekly on CU campus (1.5 hours/week) and involves five visits to an elementary school.
  • EDUC 2035 - Designing STEM Learning Environments and Experiences
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2023 / Spring 2024 / Fall 2024
    This introductory course to the CU Teach licensure program will facilitate students exploring secondary STEM teaching as a career and provide foundational knowledge for the design of learning environments. Following an introduction to the theory and practice behind research-based and equity-seeking STEM instruction, students will observe and team-teach lessons in a middle school classroom to obtain introductory, firsthand experience in the design of learning environments and experiences.
  • EDUC 4060 - Classroom Interactions
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2021 / Fall 2022 / Fall 2023 / Fall 2024
    Students design and implement instructional activities informed by what it means to know and learn mathematics and science, and then evaluate the outcomes of those activities on the basis of classroom artifacts. Students examine how content and pedagogy combine to make effective teaching. Students are required to work in a classroom 4 hours per week. Same as EDUC 5060.
  • EDUC 4811 - Teaching and Learning Biology
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2023 / Fall 2024
    Provides an introduction to recent research into student learning on the conceptual foundations of modern biology, together with pedagogical methods associated with effective instruction and its evaluation. Students will be involved in active research into conceptual and practical issues involved in biology education, methods to discover student preconceptions, and the design, testing and evaluation of various instructional interventions. Same as EDUC 6811 and MCDB 4811 and MCDB 5811 and EBIO 4811. Recommended prerequisite: At least two semesters of Biology.
  • EDUC 4822 - Teaching and Learning Chemistry
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2022 / Spring 2023 / Spring 2024
    Explores issues related to how people learn and teach chemistry. Reviews high school and early college chemistry concepts both from the content and pedagogical perspectives. Delves into the chemistry education research, education, psychology, and cognitive science literature. Provides an opportunity to observe and/or teach K-12 or college chemistry classes. Recommended prerequisite of one semester of college-level chemistry.
  • EDUC 5060 - Classroom Interactions
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2021 / Fall 2022 / Fall 2023 / Fall 2024
    Students design and implement instructional activities informed by what it means to know and learn mathematics and science, and then evaluate the outcomes of those activities on the basis of classroom artifacts. Students examine how content and pedagogy combine to make effective teaching. Students are required to work in a classroom 4 hours per week. Same as EDUC 4060.
  • EDUC 5385 - Phenomenon-Based Science Instruction
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2022 / Spring 2023 / Spring 2024
    Focuses on curriculum, materials, methods, assessment, and related aspects of instruction. Introduces best practices in teaching science in middle and high schools. Students are required to work in a classroom 4 hours per week. Examines the Colorado Academic Content Standards. Recommended corequisite: EDUC 4023.
  • EDUC 5822 - Teaching and Learning Chemistry
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2022 / Spring 2023 / Spring 2024
    Explores issues related to how people learn and teach chemistry. Reviews high school and early college chemistry concepts both from the content and pedagogical perspectives. Delves into the chemistry education research, education, psychology and cognitive science literature. Provides an opportunity to observe and/or teach K-12 or college chemistry classes.
  • EDUC 6811 - Teaching and Learning Biology
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2023 / Fall 2024
    Provides an introduction to recent research into student learning on the conceptual foundations of modern biology, together with pedagogical methods associated with effective instruction and its evaluation. Students will be involved in active research into conceptual and practical issues involved in biology education, methods to discover student preconceptions, and the design, testing and evaluation of various instructional interventions. Same as EDUC 4811 and MCDB 4811 and MCDB 5811.
  • GRTE 5030 - Graduate Natural Sciences for Teachers
    Primary Instructor - Summer 2022
    Addresses special topics in natural sciences with an emphasis on building conceptual understanding of content and enhancing teacher's practice in teaching this content.
  • MCDB 4811 - Teaching and Learning Biology
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2023 / Fall 2024
    Provides an introduction to recent research into student learning on the conceptual foundations of modern biology, together with pedagogical methods associated with effective instruction and its evaluation. Students will be involved in active research into conceptual and practical issues involved in biology education, methods to discover student preconceptions, and the design, testing and evaluation of various instructional interventions. Same as EDUC 6811 and EDUC 4811 and MCDB 5811 and EBIO 4811. Recommended prerequisites: MCDB 1150 or EBIO 1210 and MCDB 2150 and MCDB 3145.
  • MCDB 5811 - Teaching and Learning Biology
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2023 / Fall 2024
    Provides an introduction to recent research into student learning on the conceptual foundations of modern biology, together with pedagogical methods associated with effective instruction and its valuation. Students will be involved in active research into conceptual and practical issues involved in biology education, methods to discover student preconceptions, and the design, testing and evaluation of various instructional interventions. Same as MCDB 4811 and EDUC 4811 and EDUC 6811.
  • PHYS 1580 - Energy and Interactions
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2018 / Fall 2018
    Engages non-physics majors in hands-on, minds-on activities and labs to investigate the physical world, the nature of science, and how science knowledge is constructed. This introductory course is especially relevant for future elementary and middle school teachers although it will meet the needs of most non-physics and non-science majors. Physical content focuses on interactions and energy. Same as EDUC 1580.


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