The promise of record linkage for assessing the uptake of health services in resource constrained settings: a pilot study from South Africa
Journal Article
publication date
- May 24, 2014
has subject area
- Adolescent
- Adult
- Aged
- Aging
- Behavioral Sciences - Confidentiality
- Biomedical Research - Health Services Research
- Developing Countries
- Environment and Public Health - Medical Record Linkage
- Environment and Public Health - Pilot Projects
- Environment and Public Health - Population Surveillance
- Environment and Public Health - Registries
- Female
- Forensic Sciences - Dermatoglyphics
- Health Care Economics and Organizations - Confidentiality
- Health Care Economics and Organizations - Confidentiality
- Health Care Economics and Organizations - Health Services Research
- Health Care Evaluation Mechanisms - Medical Record Linkage
- Health Care Evaluation Mechanisms - Pilot Projects
- Health Care Evaluation Mechanisms - Population Surveillance
- Health Care Evaluation Mechanisms - Registries
- Health Care Quality, Access, and Evaluation - Health Services Research
- Health Services
- Humans
- Information Science - Databases, Factual
- Information Systems - Databases, Factual
- Investigative Techniques - Dermatoglyphics
- Investigative Techniques - Medical Record Linkage
- Investigative Techniques - Pilot Projects
- Investigative Techniques - Pilot Projects
- Investigative Techniques - Population Surveillance
- Investigative Techniques - Registries
- Male
- Middle Aged
- Organization and Administration - Medical Record Linkage
- Organization and Administration - Registries
- Patient Identification Systems
- Public Health Practice - Population Surveillance
- Security Measures - Dermatoglyphics
- Social Sciences - Confidentiality
- Social Sciences - Confidentiality
- South Africa
- Young Adult
has restriction
- gold
Date in CU Experts
- July 25, 2014 2:30 AM
Full Author List
- Kabudula CW; Clark BD; Gomez-Olive FX; Tollman S; Menken J; Reniers G
author count
- 6
citation count
- 37
published in
- BMC Medical Research Methodology Journal
Other Profiles
International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)
- 1471-2288
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Additional Document Info
- 14
- ARTN 71