selected publications
- Nutritional Anthropology: Biocultural perspectives on food & nutrition. Ed. Dufour, Darna L. 2012
- Nutritional Anthropology. Ed. Dufour, Darna L. 1998
- Design in biocultural studies of food and nutritional anthropology.. 31-43. 2017
- On the lookout: The use of direct observation in nutritional Anthropology. 81-89. 2017
- Reliance Upon a Toxic Staple Crop. 700-714. 2017
- A taste of nutritional anthropology. Ed. Dufour, Darna L. 7-8. 2012
- Adapting foods to people and people to foods. Ed. Dufour, Darna L. 204-206. 2012
- Hungry but no starving: Functional consequences of undernutrition in adults. Ed. Dufour, Darna L. 327-332. 2012
- Looking for solutions. Ed. Dufour, Darna L. 489-491. 2012
- Nutrition transitions: A view from Anthropology. Ed. Dufour, Darna L. 372-382. 2012
- Over nutrition and hunger in lands of plenty. Ed. Dufour, Darna L. 440-441. 2012
- The Biocultural perspective in Nutritional Anthropology. Ed. Dufour, Darna L. 1-7. 2012
- Variations in contemporary food systems: Pluses and minuses. Ed. Dufour, Darna L. 82-84. 2012
- The energetic cost of physical activity and the regulation of reproduction 2011
- An Anthropologist’s Academic Career Story 2011
- Nutrition, Work, Function 2010
- Increased Dietary Breadth in Early Hominin Evolution: Revisiting Arguments and Evidence with a Focus on Biogeochemical Contributions. 229-240. 2009
- Thinking about health through time 2009
- Bitter Cassava: Toxicity and Detoxification 2006
- Ecologia Nutritional do Estuário Amazônico: Consumo alimentar, subsitência y adaptabilidade humana em populações ribeirinhas da ilha de Marajó, Amazônia 2006
- Edible Invertebrates among Amazonian Indians: A critical review of a disappearing knowledge 2005
- Insects 2000
- The Biocultural perspective in Nutritional Anthropology. Ed. Dufour, Darna L. 2000
- La douceur de l’amertume: Une ré-évaluation des choix de manioc amer; par les Indiens Tukano d’Amazonie 1997
- A closer look at the nutritional implications of bitter cassava use 1995
- Minimum data sets for the description of diet and measurement of food intake and nutritional status 1995
- Role of cassava in the diet: Urban areas and rainforests of Colombia 1995
- Characteristics of "wild" plant foods used by indigenous populations in Amazonia 1994
- Diet and nutritional status of Amazonian peoples 1994
- The bitter is sweet: A case study of bitter cassava (Manihot esculenta crantz) use in Amazonia 1993
- Uso de la selva tropical por los indígenas Tukano del Vaupes 1990
- Alice Mossie Brues (1913 - ) 1988
- Manioc as a dietary staple: Implications for the budgeting of time and energy in the Northwest Amazon 1985
- Nutrition in the Northwest Amazon: Household dietary intake and time-energy expenditure 1983
- Domesticated animals and village nucleation 1973
journal article
- Obituary: Alec John (Jack) Kelso (1930-2019). American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 161-162. 2019
- Reflections on nutrition in biological anthropology. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 855-864. 2018
- No change in energy efficiency in lactation: Insights from a longitudinal study. American Journal of Human Biology. 2017
- Using the protein leverage hypothesis to understand socioeconomic variation in obesity. American Journal of Human Biology. 2017
- Special Section: Worldwide variation in human growth: 40 years later. American Journal of Human Biology. 2017
- Perceptions of food availability and self-reported dietary intake in urban Costa Rican women: A Pilot Study. Población y Salud en Mesoamérica. 2016
- Amazonian foods and implications for human biology. Annals of Human Biology. 330-348. 2016
- Human Biology of the Amazon.. Annals of Human Biology. 289-292. 2016
- Does chronic maternal psychosocial stress among American Samoan women affect neonate body size?.. American Journal of Human Biology. 281-281. 2016
- Protein intake, energy intake, and BMI among USA adults from 1999-2000 to 2009-2010: little evidence for the protein leverage hypothesis. American Journal of Human Biology. 261-262. 2015
- Time and transition: actual and ideal body size of high and low socioeconomic women in Cali, Columbia, over a 13-year period.. American Journal of Human Biology. 271-271. 2015
- Using the Protein Leverage Hypothesis to understand obesity among urban Costa Rican women. American Journal of Human Biology. 261-261. 2015
- Does maternal psychosocial stress differentially impact pregnancy outcomes based on trimester?. American Journal of Human Biology. 268-269. 2014
- Urban poverty and dietary protein in Costa Rica: results from a pilot study. American Journal of Human Biology. 260-260. 2014
- Do active parents have active kids? The influence of parents on physical activity levels among elementary school children in rural Colorado. American Journal of Human Biology. 281-281. 2013
- Stable isotopes and socioeconomic differences among urban Colombian women: preliminary analysis of dietary data. American Journal of Human Biology. 252-253. 2013
- To love, honor and obey: the relationship between marital status and birth outcomes in American Samoa. American Journal of Human Biology. 260-260. 2013
- Socioeconomic status, stature, and obesity in women: 20‐year trends in urban Colombia. American Journal of Human Biology. 602-610. 2012
- Does residency status impact the gestation period and birth outcomes in Samoan women?. American Journal of Human Biology. 228-229. 2012
- Lactation and mechanical efficiency: New insights from a longitudinal study. American Journal of Human Biology. 219-219. 2012
- Assessing diet in populations at risk for konzo and neurolathyrism. Food and Chemical Toxicology. 655-661. 2011
- Food consumption in economically disadvantaged women in Cali, Colombia 1990-95 and 2008: Evidence of a nutrition transition?. American Journal of Human Biology. 252-252. 2011
- Patterns in beverage consumption among elementary school aged children in the San Luis Valley, Colorado. American Journal of Human Biology. 283-284. 2011
- C-reactive protein and cardiovascular disease risk factors for women in Cali, Colombia. American Journal of Human Biology. 257-257. 2010
- Economically disadvantaged urban women in Colombia have low physical activity levels. American Journal of Human Biology. 271-271. 2010
- Investigating the rural-urban distinction in low-income Colorado schoolchildren. American Journal of Human Biology. 247-247. 2010
- Obesity in small cities and towns in Latin America: Is the urban/rural distinction too simplistic?. American Journal of Human Biology. 247-247. 2010
- Physical activity among rural children in the San Luis Valley, Colorado. American Journal of Human Biology. 275-275. 2010
- Evidence for a positive secular trend in obesity in Bolivia and Peru. American Journal of Human Biology. 246-246. 2009
- Food choice and obesity in economically disadvantaged urban women in Cali, Colombia. American Journal of Human Biology. 268-268. 2009
- Nutritional status in low-income rural and urban Colorado schoolchildren. American Journal of Human Biology. 246-246. 2009
- The nutrition transition among urban women of Cali, Colombia. American Journal of Human Biology. 263-263. 2009
- Energy expenditure among farmers in developing countries: What do we know?. American Journal of Human Biology. 249-258. 2008
- Alice Mossie Brues (1913–2007). American Anthropologist. 157-160. 2008
- Evidence for a positive secular trend in obesity in Colombia. American Journal of Human Biology. 214-214. 2008
- Increased work efficiency in lactation. American Journal of Human Biology. 239-239. 2008
- Diet, energy expenditure, and body composition of lactating Ribeirinha women in the brazilian amazon. American Journal of Human Biology. 722-734. 2007
- Alice Mossie Brues: 1913–2007. American Journal of Human Biology. 597-597. 2007
- Effect of physical activity on changes in postpartum adiposity and fitness in well-nourished, breastfeeding women.. American Journal of Human Biology. 288-288. 2007
- Physical activity and energy expenditure in the tropics: What do we know?. American Journal of Human Biology. 292-292. 2007
- Ethnobotanical Evidence for Cultivar Selection among the Tukanoans: Manioc (Manihot esculentaCrantz) in the Northwest Amazaon. Culture, Agriculture, Food and Environment. 122-130. 2006
- Biocultural Approaches in Human Biology. American Journal of Human Biology. 1-9. 2006
- Rural‐to‐urban migration in Latin America: An update and thoughts on the model. American Journal of Human Biology. 395-404. 2004
- Forty days and forty nights: Biocultural perspectives on the energetics of the immediate postpartum period among subsistence horticulturists in the Brazilian Amazon. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 160-160. 2004
- Introduction: understanding the linkages between nutritional status, physical activity, and productivity. American Journal of Human Biology. 471-471. 2003
- Physical activity of poor urban women in Cali, Colombia: A comparison of working and not working women. American Journal of Human Biology. 490-497. 2003
- Reproductive ecology and human evolution.. American Journal of Human Biology. 117-118. 2003
- Energy intake and expenditure of free-living, lactating Colombian women in an urban setting. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 205-213. 2002
- Anthropometric characteristics of pregnant women in Cali, Colombia and relationship to birth weight. American Journal of Human Biology. 29-38. 2002
- Comparative and evolutionary dimensions of the energetics of human pregnancy and lactation. American Journal of Human Biology. 584-602. 2002
- Physical activity of poor urban women: a comparison of women working and women at home in Cali, Colombia.. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 65-65. 2002
- Why “Bitter” Cassava? Productivity of “Bitter” and “Sweet” Cassava in a Tukanoan Indian Settlement in the Northwest Amazon1. Economic Botany: devoted to applied botany and plant utilization. 49-57. 2002
- A comparison of anthropometric indices of nutritional status in Tukanoan and Achuar Amerindians. American Journal of Human Biology. 301-309. 2001
- The importance of leaf- and litter-feeding invertebrates as sources of animal protein for the Amazonian Amerindians. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 2247-2252. 2000
- Application of a picrate semi-quantitative screening assay for the cyanogenic potential of cassava roots at a remote field site. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 590-594. 2000
- Adolescentes y Embarazo: Salud y Nutricíon. 201-212. 2000
- Food and macronutrient intake of economically disadvantaged pregnant women in Colombia. American Journal of Human Biology. 753-762. 1999
- Gastrointestinal parasitic infection, anthropometrics, nutritional status, and physical work capacity in Colombian boys. American Journal of Human Biology. 763-771. 1999
- Energy intake and expenditure of free-living, pregnant Colombian women in an urban setting. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 269-276. 1999
- Estimating energy intake of urban women in Colombia: Comparison of diet records and recalls. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 53-63. 1999
- Food consumption and subsistence in three Caboclo populations on Marajo Island, Amazonia, Brazil. 455-475. 1999
- Household headship and nutritional status: Female-headed versus male/dual-headed households. American Journal of Human Biology. 699-709. 1998
- Increased muscular efficiency during lactation in Colombian women. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 17-21. 1998
- Nutrition, Activity, and Health in Children. Annual Review of Anthropology. 541-565. 1997
- Comparative study of flex heart rate in colombian children and in pregnant, lactating, and non-pregnant, nonlactating women. American Journal of Human Biology. 647-657. 1997
- Daily expenditure of women by factorial and heart rate methods. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 1255-1262. 1997
- Living on the edge: Dietary strategies of economically impoverished women in Cali, Colombia. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 5-15. 1997
- Understanding the nutrition of poor urban women: Ethnographic and biological approaches. Collegium antropologicum. 29-39. 1997
- Biological anthropology: The state of the science - Boaz,NT, Wolfe,LD. American Journal of Human Biology. 683-684. 1996
- Energy expenditure of urban Colombian women: A comparison of patterns and total daily energy expenditure by the heart rate and factorial methods. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 870-878. 1996
- Energy expenditures of urban Colombian girls and women. American Journal of Human Biology. 237-249. 1996
- BODY-COMPOSITION OF COLOMBIAN WOMEN. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 279-285. 1994
- Anthropometry and secular changes in stature of urban Colombian women of differing socioeconomic status. American Journal of Human Biology. 749-760. 1994
- Variation of the basal metabolic rate and dietary energy intake of Colombian women during 1 year. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 20-27. 1994
- V̇ max and nutritional status in Urban Colombian girls and women. American Journal of Human Biology. 641-649. 1994
- Maximal oxygen consumption of Colombian women of differing socioeconomic status. American Journal of Human Biology. 625-633. 1992
- Nutritional ecology in the tropical rain forests of Amazonia. American Journal of Human Biology. 197-207. 1992
- Diet and nutritional status of Ameridians: a review of the literature. Cadernos de Saúde Pública. 481-502. 1991
- Diet and the diseases of the twentieth century. Reviews in Anthropology. 235-245. 1991
- Cross‐sectional growth of young Shipibo Indian children in Eastern Peru. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 35-41. 1991
- Patterns of food use and nutrient intake of obses and non-obese Hualapi Indian women of Arizona. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 1229-1255. 1990
- Use of tropical rainforests by Native Amazonians. Bioscience. 652-659. 1990
- Effectiveness of cassava detoxification techniques used by indigenous peoples in Northwest Amazonia. 86-91. 1989
- Cyanide content of cassava (Manihot esculenta, Euphorbiaceae) cultivars used by Tukanoan Indians in Northwest Amazonia. Economic Botany: devoted to applied botany and plant utilization. 255-266. 1988
- The composition of some foods used in Northwest Amazonia. Interciencia: journal of science and technology of the Americas. 83-86. 1988
- Insects as Food: A Case Study from the Northwest Amazon. American Anthropologist. 383-397. 1987
- The time and energy expenditure of indigenous women horticulturalists in the Northwest Amazon. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 37-46. 1984
- El flujo de energía a traves de los hogares Tatuyo: analisis preliminar. Revista Colombiana de Antropologia. 235-262. 1984
- Local cold exposure of Andean Indians during normal and simulated activities. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 305-313. 1976
- Skin temperatures at the nape in infants at high altitude. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 91-93. 1976