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Publications in VIVO

Zamani, Majid

Associate Professor


Research Areas research areas


research overview

  • Zamani's research interests includes formal verification and control of cyber-physical systems, autonomous systems, hybrid systems, embedded control software synthesis, information-based control, and networked control systems.


  • Formal synthesis of (stochastic) hybrid systems, Compositional analysis and synthesis of interconnected systems, Formal methods approaches to robotic and autonomous systems, Information-based control, Automated synthesis of networked control systems, Data-driven verification and synthesis of (stochastic) hybrid systems


selected publications


courses taught

  • CSCA 5834 - Modeling of Autonomous Systems
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2024
    This course will explain the core structure in any autonomous system which includes sensors, actuators, and potentially communication networks. Then, it will cover different formal modeling frameworks used for autonomous systems including state-space representations (difference or differential equations), timed automata, hybrid automata, and in general transition systems. It will describe solutions and behaviors of systems and different interconnections between systems.
  • CSCA 5844 - Requirement Specifications for Autonomous Systems
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2024
    This course will discuss different ways of formally modeling requirements of interest for autonomous systems. Examples of such requirements include stability, invariance, reachability, regular languages, omega-regular languages, and linear temporal logic properties. In addition, it will introduce non-deterministic finite and b�chi automata for recognizing, respectively, regular languages and omega-regular languages.
  • CSCI 2820 - Linear Algebra with Computer Science Applications
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2020 / Spring 2021
    Introduces the fundamentals of linear algebra in the context of computer science applications. Includes vector spaces, matrices, linear systems, and eigenvalues. Includes the basics of floating point computation and numerical linear algebra.
  • CSCI 4022 - Advanced Data Science
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2023 / Spring 2024
    Introduces students to advanced tools, methods, and theory for extracting insights from data. Covers computational tools for storing and working with large data sets and computational techniques for common big data scenarios like graph data, recommender systems, and dimensionality reduction. Emphasizes both the efficient implementation of algorithms as well as the mathematical foundations behind techniques.
  • CSCI 4830 - Special Topics in Computer Science
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2019
    Covers topics of interest in computer science at the senior undergraduate level. Content varies from semester to semester. Only 9 credit hours from CSCI 4830 and/or CSCI 4831 can count toward Computer Science BS or BA.
  • CSCI 5000 - Introduction to the Computer Science Research-Based MS Program
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2023
    Instructs new research-based MS students in Computer Science how to become an effective member in terms of research, teaching, and presentation, and potentially advancing to the PhD program. Makes students aware of formal requirements, educational objectives, and research themes. Provides evaluative criteria and guidelines for all objectives to be achieved.
  • CSCI 5100 - Computer Science Colloquium
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2024
    Learn about innovative research and teaching in computer science by attending talks and discussions by leading researchers and educators. Learn professional presentation skills and etiquette of participating in scientific research presentations. Students may attend during any term but they need to be signed up for this course during the term they wish to earn that credit.
  • CSCI 5854 - Theoretical Foundations for Cyber-Physical Systems
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2019 / Fall 2020 / Fall 2021 / Fall 2022 / Fall 2023
    Covers techniques for modeling, design and verification of autonomous systems and application domains including automotive systems, robotics and medical devices. Modeling topics include timed systems, differential equations, switched systems, hybrid dynamical systems. Verification topics: reachability and stability verification. Temporal specifications. Synthesis of controllers. Applications: automotive systems, medical devices.
  • CSCI 6100 - Computer Science Colloquium
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2024
    Learn about innovative research and teaching in computer science by attending talks and discussions by leading researchers and educators. Learn professional presentation skills and etiquette of participating in scientific research presentations. Students may attend during any term but they need to be signed up for this course during the term they wish to earn that credit.


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