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Publications in VIVO

Gasiewski, Albin J.



Research Areas research areas


research overview

  • Prof. Gasiewski is an internationally-recognized expert in passive and active remote sensing of atmospheric and oceanographic processes, and contributor to several related underlying disciplines, including electromagnetic wave propagation, scattering, and radiative transfer theory, signal detection, estimation, and model-based data assimilation, microwave instrumentation, and sensor calibration and metrology. He is actively engaged in the development of surface-based, airborne, and spaceborne remote and in situ sensing systems for meteorology, hydrology, climatology and related environmental applications. His specific interests include the development of UAS-based systems for Earth observation and a constellation-based passive microwave imaging system for improved mesoscale weather forecasting. He also has interests in radar systems for glacial ice imaging, environmental sensor systems for renewable energy development, and systems for sensing electrical phenomena in the atmosphere.


  • Passive and active remote sensing of atmospheric and oceanographic processes, radiative transfer and electromagnetic theory, signal detection, estimation, and data assimilation, microwave instrumentation, calibration and metrology, development of surface-based, airborne, and spaceborne sensing systems for meteorology, hydrology, and climatology.


selected publications


courses taught

  • ECEN 2260 - Circuits as Systems
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2020
    Continues basic circuit analysis of ECEN 2250: Laplace transform techniques, transfer functions, frequency response, Bode diagrams, resonant circuits, Fourier series expansions, and convolution. Recommended corequisite: ECEN 2270.
  • ECEN 2420 - Electronics for Wireless Systems
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2022 / Spring 2023
    Explores fundamental principles behind the operation of a radio, including a practical introduction to circuit elements. Covers the components and operation of a radio (transmitter and receiver) with simple signals. Students learn lab exercises the operation principles behind components of a complete practical radio system.
  • ECEN 3400 - Electromagnetic Fields and Waves
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2021 / Fall 2022
    Electromagnetic fields are covered at an introductory level, starting with electrostatics and continuing with DC current, magnetostatics, time-varying magnetic fields, waves on transmission lines, Maxwell's equations and the basics of plane waves. The use of fields in inductors, capacitors, resistors, transformers, and energy and power concepts are studied.
  • ECEN 3410 - Electromagnetic Waves and Transmission
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2018
    Covers reflected and transmitted plane waves in layered media, Poynting's theorem of electromagnetic power, two-conductor transmission line theory and practice, Smith chart usage and impedance matching, waveguides, and elements of antenna theory.
  • ECEN 5134 - Electromagnetic Radiation and Antennas
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2018 / Fall 2020
    This course is introduction to antenna theory and antenna applications in applied electromagnetics. Elements of electromagnetic theory are first reviewed through the discussion of fundamental antenna parameters. Topics such as input impedance, radiation pattern, gain, radar cross section, near- and far-field, antenna temperature, and others are discussed first. The theory of operation of electric and magnetic dipoles, small and large dipoles, monopoles, and loops, as well as impact of different grounds on their parameters are discussed next. Other antennas such as bicones, helices, Yagi-Uda, microstrip patches, horns, reflectors, slots, spirals, log-periodics, etc. are also discussed. The fundamentals of array theory inclusive of linear, planar and circular topologies, coupling, beamforming, as well as elements of array synthesis are also discussed. Students will be exposed to the commercial software tools used to design antennas and will work individually or in teams to accomplish different project assignments. An understanding of Maxwell�s equations and electromagnetic waves (such as covered in ECEN 3400 and ECEN 3410) is assumed.
  • ECEN 5244 - Applied Stochastic Signal Processing
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2019 / Fall 2021 / Fall 2023
    Provides a baseline understanding for research and development in signal processing and analytics for environmental and other data-intensive applications. Topics include parameter estimation, transforms, linear and nonlinear estimation, data assimilation and detection. Applications include numerical weather prediction, GNSS sensing, ionospheric sounding, radar, radiometry, surveillance, target detection and tracking. Previous coursework in linear systems and electromagnetic waves recommended.
  • ECEN 5254 - Remote Sensing Signals and Systems
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2018 / Spring 2020 / Spring 2022
    Examines passive and active techniques for remote sensing with emphasis on fundamental noise and detection issues from radio to optical frequencies. Emphasis is placed on electromagnetic wave detection, statistical signal and noise analysis, remote sensing system architecture, and hardware for remote sensing systems. Systems studied include radiometers, radars (real and synthetic aperture), interferometers, and lidars. Applications to detection and surveillance, Earth remote sensing, astronomy, and imaging systems are covered.
  • ECEN 5264 - Electromagnetic Absorption, Scattering, and Propagation
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2019 / Summer 2019 / Summer 2020 / Spring 2021 / Spring 2023
    Electromagnetic waves in communication, navigation, and remote sensing systems from radio to optical frequencies, including propagation in deterministic and random media. Topics include absorption and refraction by gases, discrete scattering by precipitation, clouds, and aerosols, continuous scattering by refractivity fluctuations, earth-space propagation and Faraday rotation in plasmas, and radiative transfer theory. Recommended prerequisites: ECEN 3400 and ECEN 3410.


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