A detailed understanding of cellular function (and dysfunction) requires an understanding of the mechanisms by which individual reactions interact and organize themselves to sustain the higher-order biochemical processes that constitute cellular “life.” My group studies these mechanisms of interaction and organization (temporal and spatial) and uses them to interrogate, control, and rewire biochemical networks of relevance to human health, energy, and the environment. My research program has three broad goals: (i) to develop physical and biochemical methods to study and control the activities of enzymes of metabolic relevance, (ii) to employ those methods to answer fundamental questions of cellular metabolism, human disease, and molecular recognition, and (iii) to apply those methods, and correspondingly evolved theories, to develop novel enzyme inhibitors and protein therapeutics, and to engineer biosynthetic pathways for the production of fuels and chemicals.
CHEN 1201 - General Chemistry for Engineers 1
Primary Instructor
Spring 2021 / Fall 2022
Designed to meet the general chemistry requirement for some engineering students and serve as part one for students whose academic plans require advanced work in chemistry. Topics include components of matter, stoichiometry, electron configuration, chemical bonding, molecular shapes, covalent bonding, classes of reactions, thermochemistry, gases, atomic structure, organic compounds, intermolecular forces, and phase equilibria. Examples and problems illustrate the application of chemistry to engineering sub-disciplines. Department enforced prerequisites: High school Algebra, one year of high school Chemistry or CHEM 1021 (minimum grade C-). Same as CHEN 1211, CHEM 1113, CHEM 1400 and MCEN 1024. Recommended restriction: Not recommended for students with grade below B- in CHEM 1021.
CHEN 1211 - General Chemistry for Engineers
Primary Instructor
Spring 2019
One-semester lecture and recitation course designed for engineering students with more advanced chemistry backgrounds. Topics include stoichiometry; thermodynamics; gases, liquids, and solids; equilibrium; acids and bases; bonding concepts; kinetics; reactions; and materials science. Examples and problems illustrate the application of chemistry to engineering sub-disciplines. Department enforced prerequisite: 4 or 5 on the AP Chemistry exam or passing placement exam score. Recommended corequisite: CHEM 1221. Duplicate Degree Credit Not Granted: CHEM 1021 or 1113 or CHEM 1400 or CHEN 1201 or CHEN 1203 or MCEN 1024.
CHEN 3320 - Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
Primary Instructor
Fall 2018 / Fall 2019 / Fall 2020 / Fall 2021 / Spring 2023
Applies thermodynamic principles to nonideal systems, phase equilibrium, chemical equilibrium, power generation, refrigeration, and chemical processes.
CHEN 5090 - Seminar in Chemical Engineering
Primary Instructor
Fall 2018
Required of all chemical engineering graduate students. Includes reports on research activities and on special current topics.