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Publications in VIVO

Schultz, Kathy



Research Areas research areas


research overview

  • Dr. Schultz's goal as scholar, researcher, and practitioner has been to understand how to prepare and support teachers to enter and remain in challenging urban contexts. Her work focuses on the research, development, and dissemination of pedagogical practices that support new and veteran teachers working with marginalized populations in high poverty areas. In her book, Listening: A framework for teaching across differences, she elaborated a framework for conceptualizing teaching as fundamentally based on listening to students. Her more recent book, Rethinking Participation, explores the meanings and uses of silence in teaching and learning. Her current research projects analyze new teachers’ perspectives on learning to teach across multiple pathways. Related to this work is an interest in professional development that supports and sustains teachers in urban settings in the U.S. and across the world. She is currently working on a book on the role of distrust in educational reform.


  • education reform, teacher education and professional development in international settings, literacy in schools and out-of-school settings, qualitative methods


selected publications


courses taught

  • EDUC 8115 - History and Policy Issues in Teaching and Teacher Education
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2019 / Spring 2022
    Examine how issues and dilemmas in teacher education are grounded in historical and political contexts. Analyze patterns in preparation of new teachers, in mechanisms used to govern entry into teaching and make determinations of quality of teachers and teaching, and in efforts to professionalize and de-professionalize teachers and teaching. Investigate contemporary teacher education debates to better understand potential research-policy-practice connections.


International Activities