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Publications in VIVO

Drake, David Francis

Associate Professor



research overview

  • Through his research, Professor Drake studies firms’ environmental and social performance. In his work related to environmental operations, he pays particular focus to industry’s role in combating climate change, exploring how emissions regulation influences the capacity portfolios that firms invest in; how such regulation, when unilaterally imposed, impacts technology choice, offshoring, and regional competitiveness; and how creative collaboration can improve the economic feasibility of clean technology development and adoption. Professor Drake’s work in socially responsible operations explores the design and implementation of innovative business models that improve quality of life in areas of extreme poverty through the products and services offered, the resources preserved, and the opportunities for economic gain created.


  • Emissions regulation, Technology Choice, Carbon tariffs, Carbon leakage, Climate change, Base of the pyramid, Business model innovation, Poverty, Operations strategy, Supply chain management


selected publications


courses taught

  • BCOR 2206 - Principles of Operations Management
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2019 / Spring 2020
    Introduces the student to the common activities performed by an operations manager and sets the stage for the student to operate as a member of a cross-functional team responsible for adding value for the customer. These common activities include planning and designing goods and services, sourcing materials and supplies, producing the goods and delivering the services, and dealing with product end-of-life requirements. Credit not granted for this course and BCOR 2500, BASE 2101.
  • MBAC 6051 - Operations Management
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2020 / Spring 2021 / Spring 2022 / Spring 2023 / Spring 2024
    Develops an understanding of processes and the alignment of a process with the organization�s operating priorities. Examines how interconnected processes relate to managing supply and demand and stakeholder incentives. Explores services, highlighting the differences and similarities between product and service businesses and considers �c-suite�-level challenges such as managing firm growth, alignment of the operating system with strategic priorities, and mitigating uncertainty through optionality.
  • OPIM 7330 - Advanced Operations Management Modeling
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2019
    Covers concepts, models and solution techniques relevant to the management of the processes required to provide goods or services to consumers. Emphasizes supply chain systems topics such as production, inventory, distribution and scheduling. Management science and operations research methodology is also applied to problems such as facility capacity planning, facility design and location analysis.


International Activities

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