publication venue for
- Why Errybody Sayin ′No New Friends′?: The Proverbs of Rap and Why Young People Recite Them 2024
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: Reaching Beyond Observer/Performer Binaries in Studies of Teacher and Researcher Learning 2022
- Learning Practical Design Knowledge through Co-Designing Storyline Science Curriculum Units 2022
- Making Teacher and Researcher Learning Visible: Collaborative Design as a Context for Professional Growth 2022
- Using Sense-Making Moments to Understand How Elementary Teachers' Interactions Expand, Maintain, or Shut Down Sense-making in Science 2021
- Student-Led Organizing for Sustainability in Business 2020
- The Learning Sciences in a New Era of US Nationalism 2017
- Extending the Consequentiality of "Invisible Work" in the Food Justice Movement 2016
- Rethinking Race and Power in Design-Based Research: Reflections from the Field 2016
- Rethinking Race and Power in Design-Based Research: Reflections from the Field (vol 34, pg 194, 2016) 2016
- The Temporal and Dynamic Nature of Self-Regulatory Processes During Independent and Externally Assisted Hypermedia Learning 2011
- How novice science teachers appropriate epistemic discourses around model-based inquiry for use in classrooms 2008
- Dialogic activity structures for project-based learning environments 2004
- Collaboration Between Children Learning to Write: Can Novices Be Masters? 1993