Professor Piket-May does research in the area of finite difference time domain analysis. She is also involved in high speed digital engineering - research related to signal and power integrity. Professor Piket-May also has done extensive development of low cost assistive technology devices (mechanical and electrical). Some of this work is available open source. She is also involved in K-12 STEM Education, Undergraduate Engineering Education and Engineering Design.
Finite-Difference Time Domain Electromagnetic Simulation, Assistive Technology, Engineering Education, signal and power integrity, high speed digital engineering, electromagnetic compatibility, electromagnetic interference
COEN 1830 - Special Topics
Primary Instructor
Fall 2023
Explores topics of interest in engineering. Content varies by instructor and semester. May be repeated up to 9 total credit hours.
ECEN 1100 - Exploring ECE
Primary Instructor
Fall 2022
Introduces students to areas of emphasis with the ECE department through seminars presented by faculty and outside speakers. Emphasizes career opportunities, professional ethics and practices, history of the profession, and resources for academic success. Several sessions promote team building and problem solving, and provide opportunities for first year students to meet their classmates.
ECEN 1400 - Introduction to Digital and Analog Electronics
Primary Instructor
Spring 2018 / Fall 2021 / Fall 2022 / Summer 2023 / Fall 2023 / Fall 2024
This course introduces students to electrical and computer engineering centered around creative projects in a team based setting. Through the design and implementation of functional engineering systems, students gain an understanding of the engineering design process, using real-world design tools such as prototyping, computer-aided design (CAD), 3D printing, laser cutting, printed circuit board (PCB) manufacturing and testing. The projects-based curriculum provides students with a basis in the fundamentals of analog and digital electronics with an emphasis of developing student�s understanding of how the electronics and software operate within an interdisciplinary context. Students gain hands-on experience with the creation of systems using sensors, actuators, programming microcontrollers, prototyping circuits using breadboards, and designing systems. No prior experience or knowledge of electronics or software is required. Degree credit not granted for this course and ASTR 2500, GEEN 1400, ASEN 1400 and ASEN 1403.
ECEN 4224 - High Speed Digital Design
Primary Instructor
Spring 2018 / Spring 2019 / Spring 2020 / Fall 2020 / Spring 2022 / Spring 2023 / Spring 2024
Covers fundamentals of high-speed properties of logic gates, measurement techniques, transmission lines, ground planes and layer stacking, terminations, vias, power systems, connectors, ribbon cables, clock distribution and clock oscillators. Same as ECEN 5224.
ECEN 4730 - Practical Printed Circuit Board Design and Manufacture
Primary Instructor
Summer 2023
This course prepares students with all skills needed to convert a back-of-the-napkin circuit sketch into a working widget with first time success. Students will master the seven steps in every board project: planning, selecting components, schematic entry, layout, assembly, bring up and debug, and documentation. This process will be exercised with three different board design projects with increasing challenge. A commercial EDA tool widely used in the electronics industry will be used for all projects. Previously offered as a special topics course. Degree credit not granted for this course and ECEN 4720 or ECEN 5720 or ECEN 5730. Formerly ECEN 4730.
ECEN 5013 - Special Topics
Primary Instructor
Spring 2024
Examines a special topic in Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering. May be repeated up to 9 total credit hours.
ECEN 5224 - High Speed Digital Design
Primary Instructor
Spring 2018 / Spring 2019 / Spring 2020 / Fall 2020 / Spring 2022 / Spring 2023 / Spring 2024
Covers fundamentals of high-speed properties of logic gates, measurement techniques, transmission lines, ground planes and layer stacking, terminations, vias, power systems, connectors, ribbon cables, clock distribution and clock oscillators. Same as ECEN 4224.
ECEN 5414 - Essential Principles of Signal Integrity
Primary Instructor
Spring 2023 / Summer 2023 / Fall 2023
Designing a robust and cost-effective product is about following a process that helps apply your engineering intuition to balance cost and design tradeoffs specific to your product. This class introduces essential principles of signal integrity, including principles of transmission lines, reflections, inductance, ground bounce, differential pairs, losses, terminations, routing, discontinuities, impedance, PDN design and EMC with respect to optimized design. Recommended prerequisite: students are expected to have completed an electromagnetics course during their undergraduate curriculum; in the CU curriculum it would be ECEN3400.
ECEN 5434 - S-Parameters for Signal Integrity in High Speed Digital Engineering
Primary Instructor
Fall 2023
Designing a robust and cost-effective product is about following a process that helps apply your engineering intuition to balance cost and design tradeoffs specific to your product. This class introduces design principles obtained by understanding S-Parameter results for complex PCB structures. Single-ended and Differential Transmission lines are analyzed and four common S-Parameter patterns are identified. Recommended prerequisite: students are expected to have completed an electromagnetics course during their undergraduate curriculum; in the CU curriculum it would be ECEN 3400.
ECEN 5544 - EM Signal Modeling for HSDE using Ansys HFSS and Q3D
Primary Instructor
Fall 2023
Doing high speed digital engineering using HFSS from Ansys. This is a one semester hands-on capstone design course for the high-speed digital engineering professional master�s program. Students will deepen their understanding of EM signal modeling for HSDE applications while learning how to correctly use HFSS to do a variety of high-speed designs for PCBs. Recommended prerequisite: students are expected to have completed an electromagnetics course during their undergraduate curriculum; in the CU curriculum it would be ECEN 3400.
ECEN 5730 - Practical Printed Circuit Board Design and Manufacture
Primary Instructor
Summer 2023
This course prepares students with all skills needed to convert a back-of-the-napkin circuit sketch into a working widget with first time success. Students will master the seven steps in every board project: planning, selecting components, schematic entry, layout, assembly, bring up and debug, and documentation. This process will be exercised with three different board design projects with increasing challenge. A commercial EDA tool widely used in the electronics industry will be used for all projects. Previously offered as a special topics course. Degree credit not offered for this course and ECEN 4720 or ECEN 5720 or ECEN 3730. Recommended prerequisites: ECEN 2250 and ECEN 2260 and ECEN 2270.
GEEN 1400 - Engineering Projects
Primary Instructor
Fall 2019 / Fall 2020
First-year students solve real engineering design problems in interdisciplinary teams. Design projects vary by section. Curriculum focuses on iterative design process, teamwork and team dynamics, supporting design with testing and analysis, and technical writing. Completed projects are exhibited at an end-of-semester design expo. Students are responsible for contributing towards their design project budget, workshop costs, and course arduino kit (approximately $125). Degree credit not granted for this course and ASTR 2500, ASEN 1400, ASEN 1403 and ECEN 1400.