Undergraduate Education
Associated Departments
research area of
Albert, Michelle A.,
Associate Teaching Professor,
Program for Writing and Rhetoric
Argrow, Brian M,
Professor and Glenn L. Murphy Chair,
College of Engineering and Applied Science
Barker, Lecia Jane,
Associate Professor,
Information Science
Bielefeldt, Angela R,
College of Engineering and Applied Science
Bilinski, Teresa,
Associate Teaching Professor,
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Budd, David A,
Professor Emerita/Emeritus,
Geological Sciences
Cartun, Ashley,
Teaching Assistant Professor,
School of Education
Casagrand, Janet L,
Teaching Associate Professor,
Integrative Physiology
Cleland, Carol,
Corwin, Lisa Auchincloss,
Associate Professor,
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Cox, Murray William,
Teaching Associate Professor,
Computer Science
deGrazia, Janet ,
Teaching Professor,
Chemical and Biological Engineering
Dusinberre, Elspeth R. M.,
Floriano, Maureen,
Assistant Teaching Professor,
Integrative Physiology
Foley, Teresa E.,
Teaching Professor,
Integrative Physiology
Foote, Kenneth,
Professor Emerita/Emeritus,
Gale, Kendra L,
Sr Instructor Emerita/Emeritus,
Communication & Society RAP
Green, Sally Edith,
Sr Instructor Emerita/Emeritus,
Program for Writing and Rhetoric
Gross, David Michael,
Teaching Professor,
Leeds School of Business
Gurantz, Oded,
Assistant Professor,
School of Education
Harper, Graham M,
Sr Research Associate,
Center for Astrophysics & Space Astronomy (CASA)
Heisler, Ruth E,
Teaching Professor of Distinction,
Integrative Physiology
Hendrickson, Susan,
Teaching Professor of Distinction,
Hobbs, Steven L,
Teaching Associate Professor,
Integrative Physiology
Hornstein, Seth D,
Teaching Professor,
Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences (APS)
Hovey, Christopher,
Research Associate,
Jobin, Nicole V,
Teaching Professor,
A&S Residential Acad Programs
Keller, Cynthia Rain,
Teaching Professor,
University Libraries
Ketels, Shaw L.,
Continuing Education & Professional Studies
Knight, Jenny,
Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology (MCDB)
Kress, Nancy Emerson,
Research Associate,
School of Education
Lamos, Steve,
Associate Professor,
Leeker, Jessica Rush,
Instructor Adjunct,
Lockheed Martin Engineering Management Program
Main, Michael G,
Professor Emerita/Emeritus,
Computer Science
Maldonado, Tammy A,
Assistant Teaching Professor,
Integrative Physiology
Mason, Kevin,
Assistant Teaching Professor,
Miramontes Arts & Sciences Program (MASP)
Nuttelman, Charlie,
Teaching Professor,
Chemical and Biological Engineering
Otero, Valerie K,
School of Education
Piket-May, Melinda J,
Associate Professor,
Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering (ECEE)
Ramirez, Karen E.,
Teaching Professor,
Miramontes Arts & Sciences Program (MASP)
Ramos, Katherine,
Assistant Teaching Professor,
Mechanical Engineering
Rowell, Kirsten,
Sr Research Associate,
Research & Innovation Office
Sasnett-Martichuski, Diane Kay,
Continuing Education & Professional Studies
Sinkinson, Caroline,
University Libraries
Tsai, Janet Yi-Jen,
Teaching Associate Professor,
College of Engineering and Applied Science
Walker, James F.,
Teaching Professor,
Undergraduate Enrichment Programs
Webb, David C.,
Associate Professor,
School of Education
Wingate, Kathryn Anne,
Associate Teaching Professor,
Aerospace Engineering Sciences