research overview
- My primary areas of research are in climate variability and change, particularly with respect to the Arctic region. My work involves analysis of atmospheric and ocean dynamics, satellite remote sensing, synoptic climatology, and analysis of output from numerical weather prediction models, land surface models and coupled global climate models. I also have very strong interests and activities in science education and communication to the media and public. I was was co-author on peer-reviewed sections of temperature and precipitation for the annual NOAA Arctic Report Card, and for the BAMS state of the climate Arctic section. A paper addressing the meteorology of rain and snow events over the Arctic was published, led by my former MA student Jessica Voveris, based on her Masters Thesis. I was also co-author in a paper addressing the response of the community of Clyde River, Nunavut, Canada, to a series of debilitating blizzards during the winter of 2021/2022. My PhD student Meghan Helmberger was able to complete her dissertation in December (on trends an variability on the net surface heat flux over the Arctic Ocean). She will formally graduate in May 2024. I took on a new MA student (Zaria Cast) in fall 2023.