Research interests include 1) Last Glacial Maximum through Holocene paleoceanography and sea-ice history of Greenland, Canadian Arctic Island Channels, and Baffin Bay 2) glacial-marine sedimentation: stratigraphy, paleoenvironments, and glacial history on high latitude shelves (East Greenland, West Greenland, Arctic Island Channels); and 3) Modern foraminiferal distributions and ecology on high latitude shelves. 4) Sub-ice shelf sedimentation and sub-ice shelf foraminifera in the Petermann Fjord, NW Greenland. 5) Baffin Bay and Labrador Sea, Cenozoic, LGM and deglaciation.
Greenland Ice Sheet history, Paleoceanography of high latitude continental shelves, Role of ocean warming in past ice sheet behavior, foraminiferal analyses, ice berg rafting, ice sheet ocean interactions, sub ice-shelf environment, Foraminifera