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Publications in VIVO

Veblen, Thomas T

Professor Emerita/Emeritus


Research Areas research areas


research overview

  • My research interests are in the areas of biogeography, forest ecology, and the ecological aspects of global environmental change. I have conducted research on how stand-scale and landscape-scale forest patterns result from interactions among natural disturbances, human activities, and recent climatic variation in Guatemala, Chile, New Zealand, Argentina and Colorado. A principal regional focus of my research has been on the temperate forests of the southern Andes, where I have conducted research since 1975 with collaborators and students from CU, Chile and Argentina. In 2010, I began a series of comparative international projects on feedbacks and consequences of altered fire regimes in the face of climate and land use change in Australia, New Zealand, South America and the U.S. West which are funded by the National Science Foundation of the U.S., CONICET (equivalent to NSF) of Argentina, and the Australian Research Council.


  • Forest ecology, forest resilience to climate change, fire ecology, biogeography, landscape ecology, climate impacts in ecology, disturbance ecology


selected publications


courses taught

  • GEOG 5161 - Research Design in Geography
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2018 / Spring 2019 / Spring 2020
    The human section reads and discusses contemporary research philosophies and methodologies in human geography. Practices the development of research proposals and presentation of research ideas and results. The physical section reads and discusses contemporary research philosophies and methodologies in physical geography (climatology, geomorphology, biogeography, and soils geography). Practices the development of research proposals and presentation of research ideas.


awards and honors

International Activities

Other Profiles