Atmospheric aerosol properties over the equatorial Indian Ocean and the impact of the Madden-Julian Oscillation
Journal Article
Atmospheric aerosol, gases and meteorological parameters; measured during the LAPSE-RATE campaign
Journal Article
Atmospheric aerosol, gases, and meteorological parameters measured during the LAPSE-RATE campaign by the Finnish Meteorological Institute and Kansas State University
Journal Article
Journal Article
Atmospheric aerosols as prebiotic chemical reactors
Journal Article
Atmospheric aerosols as prebiotic chemical reactors.
Journal Article
Atmospheric aerosols as prebiotic chemical reactors.
Journal Article
Atmospheric amines and ammonia measured with a chemical ionization mass spectrometer (CIMS)
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Atmospheric amines and ammonia measured with a Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometer (CIMS)
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Journal Article
Atmospheric and Surface Processes, and Feedback Mechanisms Determining Arctic Amplification: A Review of First Results and Prospects of the (AC)3 Project
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Atmospheric and surface variations during westerly wind bursts in the tropical western Pacific
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Atmospheric and surface variations during westerly wind bursts in the tropical western Pacific
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Atmospheric benzenoid emissions from plants rival those from fossil fuels
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Atmospheric bioaerosols transported via dust storms in the western United States
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Atmospheric Black Carbon Loadings and Sources over Eastern Sub- Saharan Africa Are Governed by the Regional Savanna Fires
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Atmospheric boundary layer height measurements with wind profilers: Successes and cautions
Conference Proceeding
Atmospheric boundary layer structure over the Arctic Ocean during MOSAiC
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Atmospheric Carbon and Transport - America (ACT-America) Data Sets: Description, Management, and Delivery
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Atmospheric carbon cycle dynamics over the ABoVEdomain: an integrated analysis using aircraft observations (Arctic-CAP) and model simulations (GEOS)
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Atmospheric chemistry and distribution of formaldehyde and several multioxygenated carbonyl compounds during the 1995 Nashville Middle Tennessee Ozone Study
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Atmospheric chemistry in the southeast U.S
Conference Proceeding
Atmospheric chemistry of (CF3)2C=CH2: OH radicals, Cl atoms and O3 rate coefficients, oxidation end-products and IR spectra
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Atmospheric Chemistry of CF3CF=CH2 and (Z)-CF3CF=CHF: Cl and NO3 Rate Coefficients, Cl Reaction Product Yields, and Thermochemical Calculations
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Atmospheric chemistry of peroxy nitric acid (PNA, HO2NO2
Conference Proceeding
Atmospheric chemistry of small organic peroxy radicals
Journal Article
Atmospheric Chemistry of Volatile Methyl Siloxanes: Kinetics and Products of Oxidation by OH Radicals and Cl Atoms
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ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY Phase matters for aerosols
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Atmospheric chemistry results from the ANTCI 2005 Antarctic plateau airborne study
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ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY Thwarting the seeds of clouds
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