Statius: Silvae Book 2
Step-daughters of England
Step-Daughters of England: British Women Modernists and the National Imaginary
STILL LIFE WITH RHETORIC A New Materialist Approach for Visual Rhetorics PREFACE
Storytracking : Texts, Stories, and Histories in Central Australia
Strategic Communication Research Workbook
Strategies of Argument: Essays in Ancient Ethics, Epistemology, and Logic
Structural Renovation in Concrete
Structure and Function of an Alpine Ecosystem: Niwot Ridge, Colorado
Structuring Politics
Structuring Politics Historical Institutionalism in Comparative Analysis
Student Study Guide to The Ancient Chinese World
Studiematerial till Numerisk analys. I
Studies in Anaphora
Studies in Chadic morphology and syntax
Successful Directions
Summary for Decision Makers
Super Polluters Tackling the World’s Largest Sites of Climate-Disrupting Emissions
Supporting Teachers' Formative Assessment Practice with Learning Progressions
Supporting Transgender and Gender Creative Youth Schools, Families, and Communities in Action
Supporting transgender and gender-creative youth: Schools, families, and communities in action (revised edition)
Surface electron transfer processes
Surface Tension
Surface Tension: Ruptural Time and the Poetics of Desire in Late Victorian Poetry
Survey of Visual Research Literature on Military Problems During World War II
Surviving Sudden Environmental Change: Answers from Archaeology
Sustainable Statistical and Data Science Methods and Practices Reports from LISA 2020 Global Network, Ghana, 2022
Switchmode RF and Microwave Power Amplifiers Second Edition Foreword