Purcell Manuscripts: The Principal Musical Sources
Pursuing Citizenship in the Enforcement Era
Putting People on the Map:
Putting the User First 30 Strategies for Transforming Library Services
Qualitative Communication Research Methods
Quantitative Conservation Biology
Quantization of Singular Symplectic Quotients
Quantum Mechanics in Mathematics, Chemistry, and Physics
Quantum social science
Quasilinear and Nonlinear Wave-Particle Interactions in Magnetospheric Plasmas
Queen Victoria Gender and Empire
Quehaceres con Góngora
Questions of Character
Quotational Practices
Race, Romanticism, and the Atlantic
Race, Romanticism, and the Atlantic Introduction
Racial Ambiguity in Asian American Culture
Racing the Storm: Racial Implications and Lessons Learned from Hurricane Katrina
Rainbow Cattle Co. Liberation, Inclusion, and the History of Gay Rodeo
Ramiro de Maeztu
Raven Finds the Daylight and Other American Indian Stories
Re-orienting fashion: The Globalization of Asian Dress
Reading Contemporary French Literature
Reading Helen Hunt Jackson's Ramona
Reading Medieval Chinese Poetry Text, Context, and Culture Introduction
Reading the Wampum: Essays on Hodinohso Ni' Visual Code and Epistemological Recovery
Reading Writing Interfaces
Reading-to-Write : Exploring a Cognitive and Social Process
Readings in the Biological Bases of Human Behavior