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Publications in VIVO

Ardizzoni, Michela

Associate Faculty Director of the Master of Arts in Media and Public Engagement


Research Areas research areas


research overview

  • Dr. Ardizzoni's research focuses on three main areas of Italian media studies: the construction of cultural identities in and through the media, the mediatization of media activism and social change, and the role of urban media in a Mediterranean context. Her first book examines the visual and discursive representation of identity promoted by public and private Italian national television networks at the turn of the 21st century. Her recent work has examined the status of activist media in Italy through Telestreet, a network of unlicensed neighborhood television stations aimed at expanding citizen access to information. Her current projects focus on screen cultures and social change in Italy and the Mediterranean. Through an analysis of emerging film practices and new media activism, she interrogates the centrality of innovative film production and distribution modes in generating a new lexicon and culture of political participation and engaged citizenship.


  • Italian media, television, cinema, alternative new media, Mediterranean studies, contemporary migration, feminism, gender, identity politics, Global media, connected media practices, media activism


selected publications


courses taught

  • CMCI 6051 - Media Theories
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2018
    Studies theories and perspectives of mass and networked communication and explores the role of media in society.
  • FREN 1350 - Introduction to Social Change in the Arts
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2024
    This course serves as an introduction to the Certificate in Art and Social Change. It introduces students to theories, concepts, and ideas that shape artistic productions and activist conversations around social change in a variety of geo-cultural contexts. The course is divided into three main units: theater and performance, media, and visual arts. Through these different lenses, students will learn about artistic practices in the US and in regions where Italian and French are spoken (North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, and the Mediterranean region). This course allows students to engage with some of the most urgent issues in our societies, as they relate to justice, equality, and diversity. Artists and activists play an increasingly important role in advancing justice and promoting social change at the local, national, and global levels. The interdisciplinary approach of this course enables students to examine the role of different forms of artistic productions as a catalyst for social change. This course emphasizes a pedagogical and scholarly approach rooted in critical thinking, anti-oppression practices, and community building. Same as ITAL 1350.
  • FREN 6940 - Master's Candidate for Degree
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2021 / Spring 2022
    Registration intended for students preparing for a thesis defense, final examination, culminating activity, or completion of degree.
  • FYSM 1000 - First Year Seminar
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2020
    Provide first year students with an immersive experience in an interdisciplinary topic that addresses current issues including social, technical and global topics. Taught by faculty from across campus, the course provides students with an opportunity to interact in small classes, have project based learning experiences and gain valuable communication skills. Seminar style classes focused on discussion and projects.
  • ITAL 1350 - Introduction to Social Change in the Arts
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2024
    This course serves as an introduction to the Certificate in Art and Social Change. It introduces students to theories, concepts, and ideas that shape artistic productions and activist conversations around social change in a variety of geo-cultural contexts. The course is divided into three main units: theater and performance, media, and visual arts. Through these different lenses, students will learn about artistic practices in the US and in regions where Italian and French are spoken (North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, and the Mediterranean region). This course allows students to engage with some of the most urgent issues in our societies, as they relate to justice, equality, and diversity. Artists and activists play an increasingly important role in advancing justice and promoting social change at the local, national, and global levels. The interdisciplinary approach of this course enables students to examine the role of different forms of artistic productions as a catalyst for social change. This course emphasizes a pedagogical and scholarly approach rooted in critical thinking, anti-oppression practices, and community building. Same as FREN 1350.
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