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Publications in VIVO

Hallowell, Matthew Ryan

Professor and K. Stanton Lewis Professor


Research Areas research areas


research overview

  • My research focuses primarily on the areas of injury prevention for construction and construction innovation. Specific areas of construction safety research include risk quantification, analysis, and modeling; safety knowledge management; leading indicators for safety success; contingent liability modeling; cost modeling for safety investments; human error and cognitive bias; and root cause analyses. My construction innovation esearch focuses on organizational innovation and integrated project teams.


  • Construction safety, Construction innovation, contingent liability modeling, engineering economics, knowledge management, risk management; machine learning; natural language processing


selected publications


courses taught

  • CVEN 3246 - Introduction to Construction
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2018
    Provides a broad view of concerns, activities, and objectives of people involved in construction: the owner, architect/engineer, contractor, labor and inspector. Interactive gaming situation relates these people to the construction contract, plans/specifications, estimates/bids, scheduling, law and financial management. Students with a Business School Real Estate emphasis may be considered for this course.
  • CVEN 3256 - Construction Equipment and Methods
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2019
    Integrated study of construction equipment, methods, and economics. Topics include equipment productivity, equipment selection, and construction engineering design within economic constraints. Examples include earthmoving, concrete formwork, and temporary construction.
  • CVEN 5226 - Construction Safety
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2020 / Spring 2021 / Spring 2022 / Spring 2024
    Comprehensively studies construction safety in the construction industry. Focuses on advanced safety management issues such as accident causation theory, economic modeling, safety risk quantification and analysis, design for safety, predictive analytics and learning. Skills developed in this course will prepare graduate students to be effective quality and safety managers or researchers.


awards and honors

International Activities

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