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Publications in VIVO

Sumner, Tamara



Research Areas research areas


research overview

  • Tamara Sumner is the Director of the Institute of Cognitive Science and a Professor in Computer and Cognitive Science at the University of Colorado. She leads an interdisciplinary R&D lab that studies how computational tools – combining cognitive science, machine intelligence, and interactive media – can improve teaching practice, learning outcomes and learner engagement in STEM. The influence of these tools on educators and learners’ cognition and practices are investigated through a combination of co-design, design studies and field studies, conducted in both formal classroom settings and out-of-school programs. We partner with diverse urban school districts, as well as out-of-school programs serving low socioeconomic status youth. Sumner has extensive research publications in human-computer interaction, educational technology, digital libraries, and intelligent systems. Her teaching focuses on cognitive science research methods and user-centered design.


  • artificial intelligence in education, learning analytics, open educational resources, educational technology, research administration and management


selected publications


courses taught

  • CSCI 7772 - Topics in Cognitive Science
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2018 / Fall 2019 / Fall 2020 / Fall 2021 / Fall 2022 / Spring 2024 / Fall 2024
    Reading of interdisciplinary innovative theories and methodologies of cognitive science. Students participate in the ICS Distinguished Speakers series that hosts internationally recognized cognitive scientists who share and discuss their current research. Session discussions include analysis of leading edge and controversial new approaches in cognitive science. Same as EDUC 7775 and LING 7775 and PHIL 7810 and PSYC 7775 and SLHS 7775.
  • LING 7775 - Topics in Cognitive Science
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2018 / Fall 2019 / Fall 2020 / Fall 2022 / Spring 2024 / Fall 2024
    Reading of interdisciplinary innovative theories and methodologies of cognitive science. Students participate in the ICS Distinguished Speakers series that hosts internationally recognized cognitive scientists who share and discuss their current research. Session discussions include analysis of leading edge and controversial new approaches in cognitive science. Same as CSCI 7772 and EDUC 7775 and PHIL 7810 and PSYC 7775 and SLHS 7775.
  • PHIL 7810 - Topics in Cognitive Science
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2019 / Fall 2020 / Spring 2024 / Fall 2024
    Reading of interdisciplinary innovative theories and methodologies of cognitive science. Students participate in the ICS Distinguished Speakers series that hosts internationally recognized cognitive scientists who share and discuss their current research. Session discussions include analysis of leading edge and controversial new approaches in cognitive science. Same as CSCI 7772 and EDUC 7775 and LING 7775 and PSYC 7775 and SLHS 7775.
  • PSYC 7415 - Cognitive Science Research Applications Seminar 1
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2024 / Fall 2024
    Independent, interdisciplinary research project in cognitive science for advanced graduate students pursuing a joint PhD in an approved core discipline and cognitive science. Research projects integrate at least two areas within the cognitive sciences: psychology, computer science, linguistics, education, philosophy. Students need commitments from two mentors for their project. Recommended prerequisite: EDUC 6505. Same as CSCI 7412 and EDUC 6506 and LING 7415 and PHIL 7415 and SLHS 7418.
  • PSYC 7425 - Cognitive Science Research Applications Seminar 2
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2024
    Independent, interdisciplinary research project in cognitive science for advanced graduate students pursuing a joint PhD in an approved core discipline and cognitive science. Research projects integrate at least two areas within the cognitive sciences: psychology, computer science, linguistics, education, philosophy. Students need commitments from two mentors for their project. Same as CSCI 7422 and EDUC 6516 and LING 7425 and PHIL 7425 and SLHS 7428.
  • ... more


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