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Publications in VIVO

Gleason, Emily

Teaching Professor



research overview

  • Dr. Gleason's research examines teacher identities and engagement practices in online communities of practice that are part of a new program in teacher leadership. This research explores how teachers engage in online spaces as they cross metaphoric boundaries of geography, discipline, and context to work together in virtual spaces. Dr. Gleason is interested in the opportunities that online communities of practice invite for meaning-making, learning, and reimagination of one’s own “place” in the world through interaction with people they may not interact with “in real life”. This past year, Dr. Gleason became a co-PI on a New Frontiers grant, supporting multi-modal storytelling and co-created materials between 'Newcomer' culturally and linguistically diverse families and teachers. Previous to this, Dr. Gleason's research also explores themes of trust and belonging with Latinx youth and schools. In collaboration with her team at the Renee Crown Wellness Institute, this research explores how creating 'circles de confiaza' with high school students allow youth to heal from experiences of distrust, racial micro-aggressions, and feelings of isolation- as well to envision educational spaces as sites of belonging.


  • Teacher Leadership, rural education, community-based research, multi-modal storytelling, trust and belonging, teacher learning, newcomer familiies, co-design, culturally sustaining curricular design



courses taught

  • EDUA 5000 - Introduction to History, Policy and Advocacy for CLD Educators
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2023 / Summer 2024 / Fall 2024
    This course will contextualize policies and programming for bilingual and multilingual education for K-12 students through providing a historical foundation of bilingual/multilingual education in the United States. This course is embedded with opportunities for critical reflection to guide participants in developing skills as an advocate and educator of culturally and linguistically diverse students.
  • EDUA 5001 - Intro to Designing Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2023 / Fall 2024
    Students will be introduced to critical topics such as multicultural education, culturally relevant pedagogy and culturally sustaining teaching practices. Key topics of this course include: How do multicultural education, culturally relevant and culturally sustaining pedagogies overlap and differ? What are multicultural education frameworks & models? How can we recognize our own identities and positionalities? What is the impact of relationships and connections on student engagement and learning? Students will be invited to critically reflect on one's identities as well as to consider strategies for curricular choices and teaching practices that might be support CLD students.
  • EDUA 5002 - Introduction to Teaching Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Learners
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2023 / Summer 2024
    This course addresses effective instructional strategies for teachers of culturally and linguistically diverse learners. It explores evaluation and assessment tools applicable to CLD learners as well as instructional strategies for oral language development, literacy, and content-area language while also explaining how to support children�s linguistic, cognitive, academic, and social development.
  • EDUA 5003 - Teaching Culturally/Linguistically Diverse Learners: Capstone
    Primary Instructor - Summer 2021 / Summer 2022 / Summer 2023 / Summer 2024
    This four credit course serves as the culminating experience for the certificate in Teaching Culturally/Linguistically Diverse Learners. It builds upon the previous courses in the capstone by asking students to synthesize past course ideas and topics like advocacy for culturally/linguistically diverse learners and critical consciousness in pedagogy. Students will create a showcase tool or plan that represents the learning they have achieved throughout the certificate.
  • EDUA 5004 - The Teacher in SEL - Powerful Personal and Professional Emotions
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2024
    In this course, we elaborate the need for the teacher to enhance her/his knowledge of self, especially his/her own social and emotional terrain. A guiding premise is that deeper teacher self-understanding facilitates and enhances deeper student relations and greater chances for the transformative possibilities for student and teacher. A related premise is that by examining our deeply held cherished beliefs and emotional responses to situations and texts, we create opportunities for further insights into why and the ways we teach.
  • EDUA 5005 - SEL for Students: A Path to Social and Emotional Well-Being
    Secondary Instructor - Fall 2024
    This course focuses on SEL for its most common audience � students in P-12 school-based contexts. We begin this exploration by introducing the concept of social emotional well-being. We explore what social emotional well-being is and investigate the relationship between it and the current emphasis on achievement in educational reform. Then, we highlight SEL as one means of developing social emotional well-being, positioning it in relation to other approaches, while highlighting our course�s focus on SEL programs and theories.
  • EDUA 5006 - Expanding SEL
    Secondary Instructor - Fall 2024
    This course evaluates traditional frameworks for SEL and students particularly in relation to race and culture. In addition, participants will critique current outcomes and assessment practices in SEL considering race and culture as well as other contextual factors in order to develop a nuanced set of competencies and assessment tools that are beneficial for the participant's classroom.
  • EDUA 5007 - Social and Emotional Learning Capstone
    Primary Instructor - Summer 2021 / Summer 2022 / Summer 2023 / Summer 2024
    This four credit course serves as the culminating experience for the certificate in Social and Emotional Learning. It builds upon the previous courses in the capstone by asking students to synthesize past course ideas and topics like outcomes and assessment in SEL, critiques of traditional SEL programs for teachers and students, and the role of testimonio and other strategies as culturally responsive alternatives. Students will create a showcase tool or plan that represents the learning they have achieved throughout the certificate.
  • EDUA 5015 - Envisioning Equitable Teaching and Learning in Science
    Primary Instructor - Summer 2024
    This course engages teachers in activities that help them better understand the vision for equitable teaching and learning presented in A Framework for K-12 Science Education. It invites teachers to critically reflect on their own goals for science learning in light of the framework and consider how to both co-construct and communicate learning goals with students.
  • EDUA 5016 - Designing Meaningful and Equitable Science Assessments
    Primary Instructor - Summer 2024 / Fall 2024
    This course engages teachers in the principled design of three different kinds of science assessments: extended performance tasks to be used to assess knowledge transfer; assessments of student interest that can be used to select phenomena and design challenges for both teaching and assessment; and exit tickets that can be used to gauge student experience and participation.
  • EDUA 5017 - Leadership in Creating Equitable Assessment Systems in Science
    Secondary Instructor - Fall 2024
    This course builds teachers� understanding and skill in creating more equitable assessment systems within their schools (i.e., ones that include multiple kinds of evidence and that support meaningful learning experiences for all students), using science as a focal subject area. As a culminating assignment in this course, teachers will apply what they have learned to analyze the coherence and equity of their own school�s assessment system in science, in order to identify targets for change that aim for educational justice, both within science and in other disciplines.
  • EDUA 5019 - Compassion and Dignity for Educators: Awareness and Intention
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2023 / Fall 2024
    This course explores the ways compassion practices and a focus on the dignity of educators and students can contribute to the wellness of schools, supporting educator retention, student learning, and community wellness. Educators are introduced to compassion foundations and connections between compassion and leadership. Educators will reflect on their experiences, and identify barriers to compassion, including implicit biases and pity grounded in deficit views based on social identities.
  • EDUA 5020 - Self-Compassion and Dignity
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2023 / Fall 2024
    This course focuses on developing concepts of dignity and self-compassion and teaches leaders to apply self-compassion as an antidote for burnout and as a resource for well-being and positive relationships. Educators will imagine ways of developing self-compassion that can help them practice leadership daily. They will construct affirmations that facilitate self-compassion in difficult situations, including situations of social suffering (e.g., racism) that affect all people, but are experienced differently by different persons.
  • EDUA 5021 - Compassion In Fullness
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2023 / Spring 2024 / Fall 2024
    This course focuses on compassion for others, through concepts of common humanity, equity, and justice. This course addresses the ways structural inequality creates suffering and the importance of attending to everyday suffering. Educators consider skillful responses to pain as they begin to develop strategies for creating more compassionate schools and for bringing compassion to relationships. They consider the ways cultivating compassion leads to more robust leadership where others feel safe, valued, and recognized with dignity.
  • EDUA 5023 - Inquiry-based Pedagogy: How Questions, Dilemmas, and Problems Matter for Learning
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2024 / Fall 2024
    This course is the recommended first course in the Inquiry-Based Pedagogies certificate in the Master of Arts in Teacher Leadership program. The overarching goal of this course is to make sense of what we currently know from research into how people learn and then use this research to make a case for why inquiry-based learning experiences matter for learning. Beginning with a strong framework for understanding how people learn will help participants build inquiry-based pedagogies.
  • EDUA 5024 - Inquiry-Based Pedagogies: Inquiry Within and Across Different Disciplines and Com
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2024 / Fall 2024
    This course is the recommended second course in the Inquiry-Based Pedagogies certificate in the Master�s in Teacher Leadership program. The overarching goal of this course is to consider how different cultural communities including subject areas and disciplines engage in inquiries to build understanding and how communities can incorporate young learners into these inquiries. Course participants will investigate how different K-12 instructional designs orchestrate curricular and pedagogical tools to organize inquiry-based learning experiences.
  • EDUA 5025 - Inquiry-Based Pedagogies: Designing and Facilitating Inquiry-Based Learning Exper
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2024 / Fall 2024
    This course is the recommended third course in the Inquiry-Based Pedagogies certificate in the Master�s in Teacher Leadership program. The overarching goal of this course is to develop principles and practices necessary for carrying out inquiry-based approaches across multiple K-12 settings. Course participants will develop an instructional design that organizes an inquiry-based learning experience within or across subject areas using a combination of curricular and pedagogical tools.
  • EDUA 5027 - Introduction to Inclusive and Special Education
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2023 / Spring 2024 / Summer 2024 / Fall 2024
    This course is the recommended first course in the Rethinking Inclusive and Special Education certificate in the Master�s in Teacher Leadership program. The overarching goal of this course is to build understanding of the historical, political and social influences on the education of students who are identified with dis/abilities or who benefit from additional supports. Participants will explore culturally sustaining multi-tiered systems of support structures and special education identification practices.
  • EDUA 5028 - Creating and Fostering Inclusive Learning Environments
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2024 / Summer 2024 / Fall 2024
    This course is the recommended second course in the Rethinking Inclusive and Special Education certificate in the Master�s in Teacher Leadership program. The overarching goal is to build understanding of creative, flexible and supportive inclusive learning environments for students with and without dis/abilities. Participants will learn about a variety of program options and service delivery models, explore universal design for learning, and leverage relationships with colleagues and families to provide equitable learning opportunities.
  • EDUA 5029 - Strategies for Inclusive Teaching
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2023 / Spring 2024 / Fall 2024
    This course is the recommended third course in the Rethinking Inclusive and Special Education certificate in the Master�s in Teacher Leadership program. The overarching goal of this course is to build understanding of instructional strategies for including students with learning dis/abilities and those with a range of learning strengths and challenges in curriculum and school structures. This course will also address issues related to the intersections of race, culture, language, and dis/ability.
  • EDUA 5031 - Teacher Leadership and Learning: Professional Learning Communities in Schools and
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2024 / Summer 2024 / Fall 2024
    In this course, educators learn ways to cultivate authentic professional learning communities and a school climate that builds upon the strengths and expertise of teachers as leaders.
  • EDUA 5032 - Instructional Coaching in Schools and Districts
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2024 / Summer 2024 / Fall 2024
    In this course, educators discover and practice ways to facilitate purposeful coaching activities that foster teacher learning. Readings and course activities also expand on notions of �instructional coaching,� exploring ways to deepen and extend the sharing and creating of professional knowledge as a teacher leader, such as by serving as peer facilitator or mentor to new teachers in the profession.
  • EDUA 5033 - Teacher Led-Networks: Teacher Leaders within Networks of Advocacy
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2024 / Summer 2024 / Fall 2024
    In this course, educators explore and build upon ways that teacher-led networks support change and engage teachers as knowledge builders and creators. Participants will delve into the rich history of teachers working together to revitalize their profession and advocate for a more just, humanizing world.
  • EDUC 2411 - Educational Psychology for Elementary Schools
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2019
    Integrates theories and ideas from elementary school child development, educational psychology and the learning sciences. Explores theories of learning and child development and considers implications for teaching, student engagement and the design of equitable and effective learning environments. Students are required to attend a practicum off-site for this class.
  • EDUC 4112 - Adolescent Development and Learning for Teachers
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2018 / Fall 2021 / Fall 2022 / Fall 2023 / Fall 2024
    Examines current theory and research about adolescent learning and development and explore implications for secondary teaching. Topics include human diversity as a resource for learning, adversity and agency, connecting instruction to students' everyday lives, and the role of belonging and relationships in positive youth development. This course is appropriate for masters degree students. Degree credit not granted for this course and EDUC 5112.
  • EDUC 8260 - Qualitative Methods II
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2019 / Spring 2020 / Spring 2021 / Spring 2022 / Spring 2023 / Spring 2024
    Builds on EDUC 8250 to develop knowledge and skills in ethnographic and case study research. Second of a two-course sequence covering qualitative research design, theoretical perspectives, and methods.
  • PSYC 4114 - Adolescent Development and Learning for Teachers
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2018
    Examines current theory and research about adolescent learning and development and explore implications for secondary teaching. Topics include human diversity as a resource for learning, adversity and agency, connecting instruction to students' everyday lives, and the role of belonging and relationships in positive youth development. This course is appropriate for masters degree students. Same as EDUC 4112 and EDUC 5112.


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