publication venue for
- The Social Justice Core Practices of Philadelphia Educators: A Modified Delphi Study 2025
- A Pretty Queer Thing: Thinking Queerly About Teachers' Gender and Sexual Diversity-Focused Professional Learning 2021
- Seeking Convergence and Surfacing Tensions Between Social Justice and Core Practices: Re-Presenting Teacher Education as a Community of Praxis 2021
- Three Different Measures of Graduates’ Instructional Readiness and the Features of Preservice Preparation That Predict Them 2021
- Education Policy and Black Teachers: Perspectives on Race, Policy, and Teacher Diversity 2020
- "Making Space": How Novice Teachers Create Opportunities for Equitable Sense-Making in Elementary Science 2020
- Cooperating Teacher as Model and Coach: What Leads to Student Teachers’ Perceptions of Preparedness? 2020
- Making Justice Peripheral by Constructing Practice as “Core”: How the Increasing Prominence of Core Practices Challenges Teacher Education 2019
- Making justice peripheral by constructing practice as “Core”: Challenges to social justice in teacher education and democratic public schooling with the increasing prominence of Core Practices 2019
- Does a Discussion by Any Other Name Sound the Same? Teaching Discussion in Three ELA Methods Courses 2018
- Teachers of color and Urban Charter Schools: Race, School Culture, and Teacher Turnover in the Charter Sector. 2018
- Studying Teachers' Sensemaking to Investigate Teachers' Responses to Professional Development Focused on New Standards 2015
- Distinguishing Models of Professional Development: The Case of an Adaptive Model's Impact on Teachers' Knowledge, Instruction, and Student Achievement 2015
- Recruitment or Preparation? Investigating the Effects of Teacher Characteristics and Student Teaching 2013
- Narratives of Learning to Teach: Taking on Professional Identities 2013
- The 21st Century Teacher 2012
- Designing for the Future: How the Learning Sciences Can Inform the Trajectories of Preservice Teachers 2012
- Student Teaching for a Specialized View of Professional Practice? Opportunities to Learn in and for Urban, High-Needs Schools 2011
- Cultivating Self in the Context of Transformative Professional Development 2009
- Moving beyond the "get it or don't" conception of formative assessment 2006
- Rethinking the "gap" -: High-stakes testing and Spanish-speaking students in Colorado 2005