subject area of
- A neuronal coping mechanism linking stress-induced anxiety to motivation for reward Journal Article
- A transient expansion of the native state precedes aggregation of recombinant human interferon-γ Journal Article
- Activation of Sucrose Transport in Defoliated Lolium perenne L.: An Example of Apoplastic Phloem Loading Plasticity Journal Article
- Adenosine A2A Receptors in the Nucleus Accumbens Bi-Directionally Alter Cocaine Seeking in Rats Journal Article
- Aggregation of granulocyte colony stimulating factor under physiological conditions: Characterization and thermodynamic inhibition Journal Article
- Alcohol drinking produces brain region-selective changes in expression of inducible transcription factors Journal Article
- Analysis of sucralose and other sweeteners in water and beverage samples by liquid chromatography/time-of-flight mass spectrometry Journal Article
- Bacterial infection early in life protects against stressor-induced depressive-like symptoms in adult rats Journal Article
- Chorda tympani nerve transection alters linoleic acid taste discrimination by male and female rats Journal Article
- Demonstrating sucralose as a monitor of full-scale UV/AOP treatment of trace organic compounds Journal Article
- Differential dopamine release dynamics in the nucleus accumbens core and shell track distinct aspects of goal-directed behavior for sucrose. Journal Article
- Effects of additives on the stability of Humicola lanuginosa lipase during freeze-drying and storage in the dried solid Journal Article
- Effects of additives on the stability of recombinant human factor XIII during freeze-drying and storage in the dried solid Journal Article
- Effects of adenosine A2A receptor stimulation on cocaine-seeking behavior in rats Journal Article
- Effects of drying methods and additives on structure and function of actin: Mechanisms of dehydration-induced damage and its inhibition Journal Article
- Effects of pH, temperature, and sucrose on benzyl alcohol-induced aggregation of recombinant human granulocyte colony stimulating factor Journal Article
- Effects of solution conditions and surface chemistry on the adsorption of three recombinant botulinum neurotoxin antigens to aluminum salt Adjuvants Journal Article
- Effects of sucrose on conformational equilibria and fluctuations within the native-state ensemble of proteins Journal Article
- Effects of tween 80 and sucrose on acute short-term stability and long-term storage at -20 degrees C of a recombinant hemoglobin Journal Article
- Effects of varying reinforcement probability on pavlovian approach behavior and ultrasonic vocalizations in rats Journal Article
- Estrogen increases the taste threshold for sucrose in rats Journal Article
- Flotation techniques (FLOTAC and mini-FLOTAC) for detecting gastrointestinal parasites in howler monkeys Journal Article
- Ganglioside GT1b Is a Putative Host Cell Receptor for the Merkel Cell Polyomavirus Journal Article
- High alcohol/sucrose consumption during dark circadian phase in C57BU6J mice: involvement of hippocampus, lateral septum and urocortin-positive cells of the Edinger-Westphal nucleus Journal Article
- Hydrogen bonding between sugar and protein is responsible for inhibition of dehydration-induced protein unfolding Journal Article
- IgG1 aggregation and particle formation induced by silicone-water interfaces on siliconized borosilicate glass beads: A model for siliconized primary containers Journal Article
- Lesions of the Edinger-Westphal nucleus in C57BL/6J mice disrupt ethanol-induced hypothermia and ethanol consumption Journal Article
- Loss of the trpc4 gene is associated with a reduction in cocaine self-administration and reduced spontaneous ventral tegmental area dopamine neuronal activity, without deficits in learning for natural rewards Journal Article
- Lyophilization of a triply unsaturated phospholipid: Effects of trace metal contaminants Journal Article
- Mixing Properties of Lyophilized Protein Systems: A Spectroscopic and Calorimetric Study Journal Article
- Nanobubbles in Reconstituted Lyophilized Formulations: Interaction With Proteins and Mechanism of Formation Journal Article
- Optimization of storage stability of lyophilized actin using combinations of disaccharides and dextran Journal Article
- Preferential exclusion of sucrose from recombinant interleukin-1 receptor antagonist: Role in restricted conformational mobility and compaction of native state Journal Article
- Re-Engineering an Artificial Sweetener: Transforming Sucralose Residuals in Water via Advanced Oxidation Journal Article
- Saliva and other taste stimuli are important for gustatory processing of linoleic acid Journal Article
- Silicone Oil- and Agitation-Induced Aggregation of a Monoclonal Antibody in Aqueous Solution Journal Article
- The effects of excipients on protein aggregation during agitation: An interfacial shear rheology study Journal Article
- The effects of tween 20 and sucrose on the stability of anti-L-selectin during lyophilization and reconstitution Journal Article
- The excluding effects of sucrose on a protein chemical degradation pathway: Methionine oxidation in subtilisin Journal Article
- The role of prior stressor controllability and the dorsal raphe nucleus in sucrose preference and social exploration Journal Article
- Toward an ecological classification of soil bacteria Journal Article