Design Arts
Associated Departments
research area of
Bergner, Bruce Alan,
Associate Professor,
Theatre and Dance
Black, August,
Assistant Professor,
ATLAS Institute
Burrows, Steven,
Professional Research Asst,
Carruth, Christopher M,
Assistant Teaching Professor,
Information Science
Clark, Pat,
Assistant Professor,
Critical Media Practices
Crichlow, Gregory John,
Teaching Professor,
Environmental Design
de Lange, Marcel,
Associate Faculty Director of Operations,
Environmental Design
Devendorf, Laura Kay,
Assistant Professor,
Computer Science
Dierks, Molly Valentine,
Teaching Assistant Professor,
Art and Art History
Henry, Markas,
Associate Professor,
Theatre and Dance
Holman, Leigh ,
Associate Professor,
Office of the Chancellor
Hoth, Kevin J.,
Critical Media Practices
Kiernan-Johnson, Derek Huntley,
Teaching Professor,
School of Law
Laurenzo Coronel, Tomas,
Associate Professor,
Critical Media Practices
Quinn, Jeanne ,
Art and Art History
Randall, Erika Anne,
Undergraduate Education
Rankin, Danny,
Teaching Assistant Professor,
ATLAS Institute
Robertson, Benjamin J,
Assistant Professor,
Schaal, David Andrew,
Teaching Associate Professor,
ATLAS Institute
Schaberg, petger,
Associate Teaching Professor,
Program for Writing and Rhetoric
Stark, Ted ,
Associate Teaching Professor,
Theatre and Dance
Swanson, Joel Eric,
Associate Professor,
Herbst Program for Engineering, Ethics & Society
Tashakori, Parisa,
Teaching Asisstant Professor,
Advertising, Public Relations and Media Design
Walker, Melanie,
Professor Emerita/Emeritus,
Art and Art History
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