Equal Educational Opportunity
Associated Departments
research area of
deGrazia, Janet ,
Teaching Professor,
Chemical and Biological Engineering
Engel, Mimi,
Associate Professor,
School of Education
Gumina, Deena Alexandra,
Chair of Elementary Teacher Education,
School of Education
Hand, Victoria,
Associate Professor,
School of Education
Howe, Kenneth Ross,
Professor Emerita/Emeritus,
School of Education
Kress, Nancy Emerson,
Research Associate,
School of Education
LeCompte, Margaret,
Professor Emerita/Emeritus,
School of Education
Leonardi, Bethy,
Associate Professor,
School of Education
Maes, Johanna B,
Teaching Professor,
School of Education
Meyer, Elizabeth J.,
School of Education
Moses, Michele S.,
Vice Provost, Associate Vice Chancellor for Faculty Affairs, and Professor,
Faculty Affairs
Roque, Ricarose,
Assistant Professor,
Computer Science
Rowell, Kirsten,
Sr Research Associate,
Research & Innovation Office
Siergiejczyk-Nicoll, Dr. Galina,
Teaching Assistant Professor,
Germanic and Slavic Languages and Literatures
Sparks, Kathryn,
Teaching Assistant Professor – Success and Engagement Librarian,
University Libraries
Stillman, Jamy,
Associate Professor,
School of Education
Welner, Kevin G,
Professor Emerita/Emeritus,
School of Education
White, Terrenda Corisa,
Associate Professor,
School of Education
Wilson, Terri S.,
Associate Professor,
School of Education