Prof. Anderson is broadly interested in the fields of software engineering, hypermedia, computer-supported cooperative work and human-computer interaction. He is currently working on projects related to crisis informatics, software architecture, data-intensive software systems, web application frameworks, and REST-based Web services.
data-intensive software systems, big data software engineering, hypermedia, software engineering, software architecture, web engineering, data engineering, web application infrastructure, software process, scientific workflow and data management
ACM Transactions on Computer - Human Interaction.
courses taught
COEN 3930 - Engineering Internship/Co-op
Primary Instructor
Spring 2020 / Summer 2020
Students enrolled in this course participate in a pre-approved internship or cooperative education program with an employer that allows them to explore the relationship between theory and practice and demonstrate evidence of significant learning (e.g., academic assignments and employer/sponsor evaluations). Credits may apply towards BS or BA degree program in CEAS, please check with the department for specifics (even if student has multiple enrollments in this course and/or COEN 4950). Students should contact the CEAS Extracurricular Programs Manager for more information. Minimum 2.00 cumulative GPA is required.
CSCI 5828 - Foundations of Software Engineering
Primary Instructor
Spring 2018
Provides an introduction to software engineering concepts and techniques. Topics include the history of software engineering, fundamental software engineering principles and theory, software life cycles, software testing, and the design and implementation of concurrent and large-scale software systems.