research overview Dr Hall received the Nobel Prize in 2005 for his contributions and application and development of precision laser methods for physics and metrology.
selected publications chapter 3. Absorption detection at the quantum limit: Probing high-finesse cavities with modulation techniques. Experimental Methods in the Physical Sciences. 83-127. 2003 “Stabilizing and Measuring Optical Frequencies” 1999 Precise Wavelength Measurement of Tunable Lasers. Experimental Methods in the Physical Sciences. 311-341. 1997 An Improved Test of the Isotropy of Space Using Laser Techniques. Springer Series in Optical Sciences. 12-20. 1979 Laser Spectroscopy III. Springer Series in Optical Sciences. Ed. Hall, John L. 1977 conference proceeding Silicon Cavity at 4 Kelvin with Thermal Noise Limited Performance. 307-308. 2018 Accurate Removal of RAM from FM Laser Beams Locking Accuracy at the ∼1 E-6 Level. 713-716. 2015 Accurate removal of RAM from FM laser beams. 713-716. 2015 Measurement of gravitational time delay using drag-free spacecraft and an optical clock. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. 414-+. 2009 Surface plasmon resonance enhanced common path interferometry for high sensitivity label free biomolecule interaction analysis. Proceedings of IEEE Sensors. 592-595. 2007 High sensitivity detection of bacteria by surface plasmon resonance enhanced common path interferometry. Proceedings of SPIE. 2007 A systematic study of thermal noise limited stability of rigid Fabry-Perot cavities. 1-2. 2006 CONVERTING PHOTONS TO DECIBELS – TRAVELS WITH JOHN HALL IN QUANTUM OPTICS LAND. 50-59. 2006 FOLLOWING THE PATH BLAZED BY JAN HALL. 114-118. 2006 JAN'S PREFACE: A JOYOUS AND QUICK TRIP. 3-8. 2006 LETTER TO JOHN HALL FROM RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCE. 38-39. 2006 MANY GOOD YEARS WITH JILA. 83-84. 2006 MARILYN (LINDY) HALL. 81-82. 2006 Proceedings of the John Hall Symposium 2006 SOME WORDS ABOUT JOHN HALL. 19-21. 2006 THANKS TO JAN HALL FROM FRANCE. 76-77. 2006 THE JOHN HALL SYMPOSIUM OPENING REMARKS. 9-11. 2006 TO JOHN HALL FROM BRIAN PETLEY. 137-138. 2006 Detection and discrimination of low concentration gas contaminants by means of interferometrically-sensed polymers. Proceedings of IEEE Sensors. 1366-1369. 2005 Laser stabilization of the local oscillator for an optical atomic clock. 87-88. 2005 Improving laser coherence. 3-13. 2005 Simple and compact Hz-level linewidth laser system via improved mounting configuration of a reference cavity. 1408-1410. 2005 Optical clockwork without carrier-envelope phase control. Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-LEOS. 525-526. 2004 Ultracold atomic strontium: From unconventional laser cooling and future optical standards to photon-free anisotropic many body physics. 34-36. 2003 Satellite-satellite laser links for future gravity missions. Space Science Reviews. 377-384. 2003 From relative to absolute: optical phase measurement and control in ultrashort pulses. Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-LEOS. 167-168. 2002 Absolute frequencies, linewidths, and hyperfine structures of iodine transitions near the dissociation limit (523 to 498 nm). 420-421. 2002 Comparison of independent optical frequency measurements using a portable I-2-stabilized Nd : YAG laser. 486-487. 2002 Optical frequency measurement and standards. 277-277. 2002 Optical frequency standards and measurement. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 227-231. 2002 Issues and applications in ultra-sensitive molecular spectroscopy. Proceedings of SPIE. 58-69. 2002 Time meets frequency: Phase stabilization of ultrafast pulses and optical frequency metrology with modelocked lasers. Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-LEOS. 903-903. 2001 Carrier-envelope phase stabilization of modelocked lasers. Proceedings of SPIE. 183-192. 2001 High-resolution Rb two-photon spectroscopy with ultrafast lasers. Proceedings of SPIE. 50-58. 2001 Synchronization and phase lock of two mode-locked femtosecond lasers. Proceedings of SPIE. 105-111. 2001 Precise control of the pulse-to-pulse carrier-envelope phase in a mode-locked laser. Springer Series in Chemical Physics. 74-78. 2000 Direct RF to optical frequency measurements with a femtosecond laser comb. 687-688. 2000 A phase and frequency controlled femtosecond laser for metrology and single-cycle nonlinear optics. OSA Trends in Optics and Photonics Series. 631-633. 2000 A portable I2-stabilized Nd:YAG laser for wavelength standards at 532 nm and 1064 nm. Proceedings of SPIE. 2-10. 1998 Absolute frequency atlas of 9 molecular I-2 lines at 532 nm. 197-198. 1998 Absolute frequency atlas of molecular I2 lines at 532 nm. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 544-549. 1998 Narrow line cooling of strontium to the recoil limit. 303-304. 1998 Narrow-line Doppler cooling of strontium to the recoil limit. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 618-621. 1998 Stabilization and frequency measurement of the I-2-stabilized Nd : YAG laser. 151-152. 1998 Stabilization and frequency measurement of the I2-stabilized Nd:YAG laser. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 583-586. 1998 Experimental demonstration of some aspects of LISA interferometry. AIP Conference Proceedings. 169-171. 1998 Nonlinear optics to measure the frequency of iodine-stabilized Nd:YAG. 450-451. 1998 Cavity-enhanced frequency modulation spectroscopy: Advancing optical detection sensitivity and laser frequency stabilization. Proceedings of SPIE. 85-96. 1998 Experiments with strontium in a vapor cell magneto-optic trap. Proceedings of SPIE. 77-84. 1998 Ultrastable optical frequency reference at 1.064 mu m using a C2HD molecular overtone transition. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 178-182. 1996 ACCURATE CANCELLATION (TO MILLIHERTZ LEVELS) OF OPTICAL PHASE NOISE DUE TO VIBRATION OR INSERTION PHASE IN FIBER TRANSMITTED LIGHT. Proceedings of SPIE. 165-175. 1995 STABILITY AND ABSOLUTE FREQUENCY OF MOLECULAR IODINE TRANSITIONS NEAR 532-NM. 22-34. 1995 ABSOLUTE FREQUENCY OF THE MOLECULAR-IODINE TRANSITION R(56)32-0 NEAR 532 NM. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 151-154. 1994 OPTICAL FREQUENCY STANDARD AT 532 NM. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 155-158. 1994 INTENSITY-DEPENDENT PHASE-SHIFTS IN FREQUENCY-MODULATION SPECTROSCOPY. AIP Conference Proceedings. 302-304. 1993 FREQUENCY STABILIZED LASER - A PAROCHIAL REVIEW. Proceedings of SPIE. 2-15. 1992 FREQUENCY-STABILIZED LASERS - A DRIVING FORCE FOR NEW SPECTROSCOPIES. 217-239. 1992 SHORT AND LONG-TERM STABILITY OF OPTICAL OSCILLATORS. 44-55. 1992 OBSERVATION OF GEOMETRIC PHASE IN OPTICAL SPECTROSCOPY. Proceedings of SPIE. 441-442. 1992 DREAMS ABOUT THE NEXT GENERATION OF SUPER-STABLE LASERS. 83-90. 1991 CORRELATED SPONTANEOUS EMISSION IN A ZEEMAN LASER. 349-355. 1991 AN ANTENNA FOR LASER GRAVITATIONAL-WAVE OBSERVATIONS IN SPACE. Advances in Space Research. 107-111. 1988 <title>Precision Measurements By Optical Heterodyne Techniques</title>. Proceedings of SPIE. 91-98. 1983 VOLTAGE MEMORY, PROVIDED BY PHOTOPHYSICAL HOLE-BURNING OF SELECTIVELY LASER-EXCITED DYES. Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics. 152-152. 1982 MEASUREMENT OF RELATIVISTIC DOPPLER-SHIFT. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. 692-692. 1974 FREQUENCY STABILIZATION OF A CW DYE LASER. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. 699-699. 1973 SATURATED ABSORPTION OPTICAL HETERODYNE SPECTROSCOPY OF SOME SIMPLE METHYL COMPOUNDS. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. 562-&. 1972 SPEED OF LIGHT - PROGRESS IN MEASUREMENT OF FREQUENCY AND WAVELENGTH OF METHANE-STABILIZED HE-NE-LASER AT 3.39 MUM. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. 577-&. 1972 TRANSIENT SATURATED MOLECULAR ABSORPTION. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. 592-&. 1972 Use of Laser-Saturated Absorption of Methane for Laser Frequency Stabilization. 306-306. 1969 LASER ABSOLUTE WAVELENGTH STANDARD PROBLEM. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. 638-+. 1968 LASER WAVELENGTH STANDARDS. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. 367-&. 1968 PRECISION LONG-PATH INTERFEROMETRY AND VELOCITY OF LIGHT. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. 371-&. 1968 2-QUANTUM PHOTOIONIZATION OF CS AND I-. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. 361-&. 1966 ... more journal article Synthetic FM triplet for AM-free precision laser stabilization and spectroscopy. Optica. 58-63. 2024 Ultrastable Silicon Cavity in a Continuously Operating Closed-Cycle Cryostat at 4 K. Physical Review Letters. 2017 Why it took so long for the laser and the optical comb to be invented: the unmarked trail from concept to experimental reality [Invited]. Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics. 338-346. 2017 Reduction of residual amplitude modulation to 1 x 10-6 for frequency modulation and laser stabilization. Optics Letters. 1980-1983. 2014 Rulers of light. Scientific American. 74-81. 2008 Collaboration and style in laser physics-my interactions with and recollections of Herbert Walther. Laser Physics: international journal. 908-911. 2007 Defining and measuring optical frequencies: The optical clock opportunity and more (Nobel lecture). ChemPhysChem: a European journal of chemical physics and physical chemistry. 2242-2258. 2006 Vibration-induced elastic deformation of Fabry-Perot cavities. Physical Review A: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 2006 Contribution of thermal noise to frequency stability of rigid optical cavity via Hertz-linewidth lasers. Physical Review A: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 2006 Nobel Lecture: Defining and measuring optical frequencies. Reviews of Modern Physics. 1279-1295. 2006 Wise words from a Nobel laureate - An interview with Dr. John L. Hall. Photonics spectra. 54-55. 2006 Simple and compact 1-Hz laser system via an improved mounting configuration of a reference cavity. Optics Letters. 1815-1817. 2005 Experimental implementation of optical clockwork without carrier-envelope phase control. Optics Letters. 2806-2808. 2004 Carrier-envelope phase stabilization of single and multiple femtosecond lasers. Topics in Applied Physics. 317-342. 2004 Delivery of high-stability optical and microwave frequency standards over an optical fiber network. Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics. 1459-1467. 2003 Healthy conversation?. Electronics and Power. 6-6. 2003 Single-stage sub-Doppler cooling of alkaline earth atoms. Physical Review Letters. 2003 Cooling and trapping of atomic strontium. Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics. 968-976. 2003 Comparison of independent optical frequency measurements using a portable iodine-stabilized Nd:YAG laser. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 240-244. 2003 Fiddling with SARTOR. Electronics and Power. 6-7. 2003 Dynamics in a two-level atom magneto-optical trap. Physical Review A: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 2002 Continuously tunable, precise, single frequency optical signal generator. Optics Express. 515-520. 2002 Sub-Doppler molecular-iodine transitions near the dissociation limit (523-498 nm) (vol 27, pg 571, 2002). Optics Letters. 1076-1076. 2002 Phase-coherent synthesis of optical frequencies and waveforms. Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics. S27-S34. 2002 Sub-Doppler molecular-iodine transitions near the dissociation limit (523-498 nm). Optics Letters. 571-573. 2002 Absolute-frequency measurement of the iodine-based length standard at 514.67 nm. Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics. 597-601. 2002 Active synchronization and carrier phase locking of two separate mode-locked femtosecond lasers. Journal of Modern Optics. 401-409. 2002 Subfemtosecond timing jitter between two independent, actively synchronized, mode-locked lasers. Optics Letters. 312-314. 2002 Molecular iodine clock. Physical Review Letters. 2001 Molecular iodine clock.. Physical Review Letters. 270801. 2001 Ultrasensitive spectroscopy, the ultrastable lasers, the ultrafast lasers, and the seriously nonlinear fiber: A new alliance for physics and metrology. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. 1482-1492. 2001 Optical frequency synthesis based on mode-locked lasers. Review of Scientific Instruments. 3749-3771. 2001 Phase-coherent optical pulse synthesis from separate femtosecond lasers. Science. 1286-1289. 2001 A common-path heterodyne interferometer for surface profiling in microelectronic fabrication. Review of Scientific Instruments. 2455-2466. 2001 Direct RF to optical frequency measurements with a femtosecond laser comb. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 552-555. 2001 Rotation dependence of electric quadrupole hyperfine interaction in the ground state of molecular iodine by high-resolution laser spectroscopy. Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics. 379-387. 2001 A New Era of Frequency Standards and Optical Frequency Measurement. Optics and photonics news. 44-44. 2001 Absolute frequency measurement of the iodine-stabilized He-Ne laser at 633 nm. Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics. 221-226. 2001 Phase-coherent multilevel two-photon transitions in cold Rb atoms: Ultrahigh-resolution spectroscopy via frequency-stabilized femtosecond laser. Physical Review A: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 2001 Precision phase control of an ultrawide-bandwidth femtosecond laser: a network of ultrastable frequency marks across the visible spectrum. Optics Letters. 1675-1677. 2000 Optical frequency measurement: 40 years of technology revolutions. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. 1136-1144. 2000 Accuracy comparison of absolute optical frequency measurement between harmonic-generation synthesis and a frequency-division femtosecond comb. Physical Review Letters. 3797-3800. 2000 Towards the ultimate control of LIGHT Optical frequency metrology and the phase control of femtosecond pulses. Optics and photonics news. 16-16. 2000 Measurement of mirror birefringence at the sub-ppm level: Proposed application to a test of QED. Physical Review A: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 2000 Cavity ringdown heterodyne spectroscopy: High sensitivity with microwatt light power. Physical Review A: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 2000 High-resolution frequency standard at 1030 nm for Yb : YAG solid-state lasers. Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics. 927-931. 2000 Direct link between microwave and optical frequencies with a 300 THz femtosecond laser comb. Physical Review Letters. 5102-5105. 2000 Carrier-envelope phase control of femtosecond mode-locked lasers and direct optical frequency synthesis. Science. 635-639. 2000 Cancellation of laser dither modulation from optical frequency standards. Optics Letters. 311-313. 2000 Frequency comb generation using femtosecond pulses and cross-phase modulation in optical fiber at arbitrary center frequencies. Optics Letters. 308-310. 2000 Optical frequency measurement across a 104-THz gap with a femtosecond laser frequency comb. Optics Letters. 186-188. 2000 International comparisons of He-Ne lasers stabilized with I-127(2) at lambda approximate to 633 nm - Part VII: Comparison of NORAMET I-127(2)-stabilized He-Ne lasers at lambda approximate to 633 nm. Metrologia: international journal of pure and applied metrology. 317-322. 2000 Kilohertz linewidth from frequency-stabilized mid-infrared quantum cascade lasers. Optics Letters. 1844-1846. 1999 Optical phase locking in the microradian domain: potential applications to NASA spaceborne optical measurements. Optics Letters. 1838-1840. 1999 Broadband optical frequency comb generation with a phase-modulated parametric oscillator. Optics Letters. 1747-1749. 1999 Ultrasensitive frequency-modulation spectroscopy enhanced by a high-finesse optical cavity:: theory and application to overtone transitions of C2H2 and C2HD. Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics. 2255-2268. 1999 Frequency comparison of 127I2-stabilized Nd:YAG lasers. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 532-536. 1999 Cold collisions of Sr*-Sr in a magneto-optical trap. Physical Review A: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 1216-1222. 1999 Optical heterodyne detection at a silver scanning tunneling microscope junction. Journal of Applied Physics. 1311-1316. 1999 Influence of decorrelation on Heisenberg-limited interferometry with quantum correlated photons (vol 57, pg 4004, 1998). Physical Review A: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 2617-2617. 1998 Influence of decorrelation on Heisenberg-limited interferometry with quantum correlated photons. Physical Review A: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 4004-4013. 1998 Ultrasensitive detections in atomic and molecular physics: demonstration in molecular overtone spectroscopy. Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics. 6-15. 1998 Highly selective terahertz optical frequency comb generator (vol 22, pg 301, 1997). Optics Letters. 746-746. 1997 Highly selective terahertz optical frequency comb generator. Optics Letters. 301-303. 1997 Real-time precision refractometry: New approaches. Applied Optics. 1223-1234. 1997 Free-induction decay in molecular iodine measured with an extended-cavity diode laser. Optics Letters. 184-186. 1997 Thermally induced self-locking of an optical cavity by overtone absorption in acetylene gas. Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics. 2041-2054. 1996 Hyperfine structure and absolute frequency of the Rb-87 5P(3/2) state. Optics Letters. 1280-1282. 1996 Sub-Doppler optical frequency reference at 1.064 mu m by means of ultrasensitive cavity-enhanced frequency modulation spectroscopy of a C2HD overtone transition. Optics Letters. 1000-1002. 1996 High precision linewidth measurement of laser-cooled atoms: Resolution of the Na 3p P-2(3/2) lifetime discrepancy. Physical Review Letters. 2866-2869. 1996 SPECTRAL FEATURES OF FM SPECTROSCOPY OF 2-PHOTON INTERACTIONS. Science in China Series E Engineering and Materials Science. 1454-1463. 1994 DELIVERING THE SAME OPTICAL FREQUENCY AT 2 PLACES - ACCURATE CANCELLATION OF PHASE NOISE INTRODUCED BY AN OPTICAL-FIBER OR OTHER TIME-VARYING PATH. Optics Letters. 1777-1779. 1994 PHASE-SHIFTS AND INTENSITY DEPENDENCE IN FREQUENCY-MODULATION SPECTROSCOPY. Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics. 721-730. 1994 FREQUENCY-STABILIZED LASERS - FROM THE BEGINNING TOWARD THE FUTURE. Laser Physics: international journal. 306-318. 1994 IMPROVED HYPERFINE MEASUREMENTS OF THE NA 5P EXCITED-STATE THROUGH FREQUENCY-CONTROLLED DOPPLERLESS SPECTROSCOPY IN A ZEEMAN MAGNETOOPTIC LASER TRAP (VOL 18, PG 1186, 1993). Optics Letters. 1681-1681. 1993 A LOW-NOISE HIGH-SPEED DIODE-LASER CURRENT CONTROLLER. Review of Scientific Instruments. 2133-2135. 1993 IMPROVED HYPERFINE MEASUREMENTS OF THE NA 5P EXCITED-STATE THROUGH FREQUENCY-CONTROLLED DOPPLERLESS SPECTROSCOPY IN A ZEEMAN MAGNETOOPTIC LASER TRAP. Optics Letters. 1186-1188. 1993 STABILIZATION OF OPTICAL-PHASE FREQUENCY OF A LASER SYSTEM - APPLICATION TO A COMMERCIAL DYE-LASER WITH AN EXTERNAL STABILIZER. Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics. 802-816. 1993 HIGH-RESOLUTION OPTICAL MULTIPLEX SPECTROSCOPY. Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics. 498-506. 1992 CONTINUOUS HIGH-FLUX MONOVELOCITY ATOMIC-BEAM BASED ON A BROAD-BAND LASER-COOLING TECHNIQUE. Physical Review Letters. 46-49. 1991 Optical Society Recognizes Outstanding Work in the Field. Physics Today. 127-128. 1991 CORRELATED SPONTANEOUS EMISSION IN A ZEEMAN LASER. Physical Review Letters. 3116-3119. 1990 OPTICAL HETERODYNE SPECTROSCOPY ENHANCED BY AN EXTERNAL OPTICAL CAVITY - TOWARD IMPROVED WORKING STANDARDS. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. 2006-2012. 1990 IMPROVED KENNEDY-THORNDIKE EXPERIMENT TO TEST SPECIAL RELATIVITY. Physical Review Letters. 1697-1700. 1990 HIGH-RESOLUTION MEASUREMENT OF WATER-VAPOR OVERTONE ABSORPTION IN THE VISIBLE BY FREQUENCY-MODULATION SPECTROSCOPY. Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics. 2300-2308. 1989 PROSPECTS FOR USING LASER-PREPARED ATOMIC FOUNTAINS FOR OPTICAL FREQUENCY STANDARDS APPLICATIONS. Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics. 2194-2205. 1989 PRECISE LASER FREQUENCY SCANNING USING FREQUENCY-SYNTHESIZED OPTICAL FREQUENCY SIDEBANDS - APPLICATION TO ISOTOPE SHIFTS AND HYPERFINE-STRUCTURE OF MERCURY. Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics. 539-549. 1989 TEST OF THE ISOTROPY OF THE SPEED OF LIGHT USING FAST-BEAM LASER SPECTROSCOPY - REPLY. Physical Review Letters. 842-842. 1989 GENERATION OF SQUEEZED LIGHT BY INTRACAVITY FREQUENCY DOUBLING. Physical Review A: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 4931-4934. 1988 American Physical Society Honors Seven Physicists at April Meeting. Physics Today. 123-126. 1988 DOPPLER-FREE OPTICAL MULTIPLEX SPECTROSCOPY WITH STOCHASTIC EXCITATION. Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics. 1825-1831. 1988 LASER STABILIZATION AT THE MILLIHERTZ LEVEL. Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics. 1576-1587. 1988 FREQUENCY STABILITY MEASUREMENTS ON POLARIZATION-STABILIZED HE-NE LASERS. Applied Optics. 1285-1289. 1988 TEST OF THE ISOTROPY OF THE SPEED OF LIGHT USING FAST-BEAM LASER SPECTROSCOPY. Physical Review Letters. 81-84. 1988 CORRECTION. Review of Scientific Instruments. 2345-2345. 1987 RESPONSE OF A FABRY-PEROT CAVITY TO PHASE MODULATED LIGHT. Review of Scientific Instruments. 1406-1412. 1987 PRINCIPLES OF OPTICAL PHASE-LOCKING - APPLICATION TO INTERNAL MIRROR HE-NE LASERS PHASE-LOCKED VIA FAST CONTROL OF THE DISCHARGE CURRENT. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. 427-437. 1987 SPECIAL ISSUE ON APPLICATIONS OF QE TO FREQUENCY STANDARDS, CLOCKS, AND ROTATION SENSORS - INTRODUCTION. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. 426-426. 1987 HIGH-PERFORMANCE LASER FREQUENCY STABILIZATION USING AN EXTERNAL ELECTROOPTIC PHASE-SHIFTER. Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics and image science. P120-P120. 1986 SQUEEZING IN 3 SIMPLE SYSTEMS - DEGENERATE PARAMETRIC OSCILLATION, INTRACAVITY FREQUENCY DOUBLING, AND OPTICAL BISTABILITY. Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics and image science. P37-P37. 1986 GENERATION OF SQUEEZED STATES BY PARAMETRIC DOWN CONVERSION. Physical Review Letters. 2520-2523. 1986 ATOMIC-BEAM COOLING - A SIMULATION APPROACH. Physical Review A: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 3022-3033. 1986 PRACTICAL SOUND-REDUCING ENCLOSURE FOR LABORATORY USE. Review of Scientific Instruments. 2532-2534. 1986 GENERATION OF SQUEEZED STATES OF LIGHT BY INTRACAVITY HARMONIC CONVERSION. Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics. P86-P87. 1986 PHASE STABLE LASERS - PROGRESS AND APPLICATIONS. Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics. P80-P81. 1986 THE RF SIGMAMETER - A DIGITAL PHASE-LOCKED TECHNIQUE FOR ACCURATE LONG-RANGE LASER SCANNING. Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics. P82-P83. 1986 ATOMIC-BEAM COOLING BY COUNTERPROPAGATING LASER-RADIATION. 151-156. 1985 LASER MANIPULATION OF ATOMIC-BEAM VELOCITIES - DEMONSTRATION OF STOPPED ATOMS AND VELOCITY REVERSAL. Physical Review Letters. 996-999. 1985 SERVO CONTROL OF AMPLITUDE-MODULATION IN FREQUENCY-MODULATION SPECTROSCOPY - DEMONSTRATION OF SHOT-NOISE-LIMITED DETECTION. Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics. 1527-1533. 1985 ADVANCES IN OPTICAL HETERODYNE SPECTROSCOPY. Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics and image science. 1306-1307. 1984 COOLING OF AN ATOMIC-BEAM WITH FREQUENCY-SWEEP TECHNIQUES. Progress in Quantum Electronics. 237-248. 1984 DYE-LASER FREQUENCY STABILIZATION USING OPTICAL RESONATORS. Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics. 179-185. 1984 EXTERNAL DYE-LASER FREQUENCY STABILIZER. Optics Letters. 502-504. 1984 MEASUREMENT OF THE POSITRONIUM 13S1-23S1 INTERVAL BY DOPPLER-FREE 2-PHOTON SPECTROSCOPY. Physical Review Letters. 1689-1692. 1984 MEASUREMENT OF THE SHIFT OF RYDBERG ENERGY-LEVELS INDUCED BY BLACKBODY RADIATION. Physical Review Letters. 230-233. 1984 PRECISION POSITRONIUM SPECTROSCOPY. Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics. 504-504. 1984 SOME CANDIDATE ATOMS AND IONS FOR FREQUENCY STANDARDS RESEARCH USING LASER RADIATIVE COOLING TECHNIQUES. Progress in Quantum Electronics. 249-255. 1984 STABLE 2-MODE OPERATION OF A CONTINUOUS-WAVE DYE-LASER USING A MICHELSON MODE SELECTOR. Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics. 438-439. 1984 DIRECT FREQUENCY-MEASUREMENT OF THE I2-STABILIZED HE-NE 473-THZ (633-NM) LASER. Optics Letters. 136-138. 1983 LASER PHASE AND FREQUENCY STABILIZATION USING AN OPTICAL-RESONATOR. Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics. 97-105. 1983 PRECISION-MEASUREMENTS BY OPTICAL HETERODYNE TECHNIQUES. 91-98. 1983 ACCURATE VISIBLE FREQUENCY MEASUREMENTS OF THE 633-NM AND 576-NM IODINE LINES. Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics. 153-153. 1982 DYE-LASER SPECTROMETER FOR ULTRAHIGH SPECTRAL RESOLUTION - DESIGN AND PERFORMANCE. Applied Optics. 1686-1694. 1982 LONG-TERM FREQUENCY STABILIZATION OF CONTINUOUS-WAVE DYE-LASERS. Journal of the Optical Society of America. 1763-1764. 1982 ACCURATE WAVE-NUMBER MEASUREMENTS OF URANIUM SPECTRAL-LINES. Journal of the Optical Society of America. 948-952. 1981 LAMBDA-METER RESOLUTION ENHANCEMENT USING A NOVEL FREQUENCY METER. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. 176-178. 1981 OPTICAL HETERODYNE SATURATION SPECTROSCOPY. Applied Physics Letters. 680-682. 1981 PROGRESS TOWARD PHASE-STABLE OPTICAL FREQUENCY STANDARDS. Journal de Physique. 59-71. 1981 FREQUENCY STABILIZATION OF A 0.633-MU-M HE-NE LONGITUDINAL ZEEMAN LASER. Applied Optics. 3173-3177. 1980 Frequency stabilization of CW dye lasers. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. 1028-1028. 1979 FREQUENCY STABILIZATION OF CW DYE-LASERS. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. D83-D83. 1979 HYPERFINE SPLITTING OF THE (CH-4)-C-13 LINE AT 3.39 MU-M OBSERVED BY LASER-SATURATED ABSORPTION. Optics Letters. 214-215. 1979 IMPROVED LASER TEST OF THE ISOTROPY OF SPACE. Physical Review Letters. 549-552. 1979 2-PHOTON OPTICAL FREQUENCY STANDARDS. Journal of the Optical Society of America. 697-698. 1978 DOPPLER-FREE 2-PHOTON TRANSITIONS TO RYDBERG LEVELS - CONVENIENT, USEFUL, AND PRECISE REFERENCE WAVELENGTHS FOR DYE-LASERS. Optics Letters. 141-143. 1978 FREQUENCY STABILITY OF OPTICALLY PUMPED DIMER LASERS. Journal of the Optical Society of America. 635-636. 1978 OBSERVATION OF ULTRA-NARROW RAMSEY FRINGES IN 2-PHOTON TRANSITIONS TO RYDBERG LEVELS IN A RUBIDIUM ATOMIC-BEAM. Journal of the Optical Society of America. 1635-1636. 1978 PRECISION SPECTROSCOPY USING FREQUENCY-CONTROLLED DYE-LASERS. Journal of the Optical Society of America. 1411-1411. 1978 SPECTROSCOPIC INVESTIGATIONS IN BI-209-I USING TUNABLE-CW-DYE-LASER SPECTROSCOPY. Physical Review A: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 1089-1096. 1978 STABILIZED LASERS AND PRECISION-MEASUREMENTS. Science. 147-156. 1978 An acoustooptic frequency and intensity control system for CW lasers. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. 857-858. 1977 ACOUSTOOPTIC FREQUENCY AND INTENSITY CONTROL-SYSTEM FOR CW LASERS. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. D45-D46. 1977 OBSERVATION OF OPTICAL RAMSEY FRINGES EMPLOYING SATURATED ABSORPTION WITH 3 SPATIALLY SEPARATED RADIATION ZONES. Bulletin of the American Physical Society. 604-604. 1977 SATURATED ABSORPTION WITH SPATIALLY SEPARATED LASER FIELDS - OBSERVATION OF OPTICAL RAMSEY FRINGES. Physical Review Letters. 159-162. 1977 ADVANCES IN LASER FREQUENCY WAVELENGTH CONTROL AND MEASUREMENT. Bulletin of the American Physical Society. 1260-1260. 1976 CANDIDATES FOR 2-PHOTON ABSORPTION OPTICAL FREQUENCY STANDARDS. Bulletin of the American Physical Society. 599-599. 1976 DIRECT OPTICAL RESOLUTION OF RECOIL EFFECT USING SATURATED ABSORPTION SPECTROSCOPY. Physical Review Letters. 1339-1342. 1976 INTERFEROMETRIC REAL-TIME DISPLAY OF CW DYE-LASER WAVELENGTH WITH SUB-DOPPLER ACCURACY. Applied Physics Letters. 367-369. 1976 PROBLEMS OF ATOMIC FREQUENCY STANDARDS OF EXTREME ACCURACY AND A NEW ATOMIC-BEAM INTERACTION GEOMETRY. Optics Communications. 62-63. 1976 SATURATED ABSORPTION-LINE SHAPE - CALCULATION OF TRANSIT-TIME BROADENING BY A PERTURBATION APPROACH. Physical Review A. 236-263. 1976 SHIFT AND BROADENING OF SATURATED ABSORPTION RESONANCES DUE TO CURVATURE OF LASER WAVE FRONTS. Applied Physics Letters. 788-790. 1976 High resolution laser saturation spectroscopy. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. 748-748. 1974 LASER PHOTODETACHMENT DETERMINATION OF ELECTRON AFFINITIES OF OH, NH2, NH, SO2, AND S2. Journal of Chemical Physics. 1740-1745. 1974 FREQUENCY STABILIZATION OF A CW DYE LASER. Applied Physics Letters. 573-575. 1973 MEASUREMENT OF METHANE HYPERFINE-STRUCTURE USING LASER SATURATED ABSORPTION. Physical Review Letters. 1101-1104. 1973 WAVELENGTH OF 3.39-MU M LASER-SATURATED ABSORPTION LINE OF METHANE. Applied Physics Letters. 196-199. 1973 MOLECULAR PHOTODETACHMENT SPECTROMETRY .1. ELECTRON AFFINITY OF NITRIC-OXIDE AND MOLECULAR CONSTANTS OF NO-. Physical review. A, General physics. 607-&. 1972 MOLECULAR PHOTODETACHMENT SPECTROMETRY .2. ELECTRON AFFINITY OF O2 AND STRUCTURE OF O2. Physical review. A, General physics. 631-+. 1972 SPEED OF LIGHT FROM DIRECT FREQUENCY AND WAVELENGTH MEASUREMENTS OF METHANE-STABILIZED LASER. Physical Review Letters. 1346-+. 1972 PRECISION INFRARED ZEEMAN SPECTRA OF CH4 STUDIED BY LASER-SATURATED ABSORPTION. Physical Review Letters. 289-&. 1971 TUNABLE DYE LASER WITH NARROW SPECTRAL OUTPUT. Applied Physics Letters. 239-&. 1970 Laser frequency stabilization. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. 324-324. 1969 PRESSURE SHIFT AND BROADENING OF METHANE LINE AT 3.39 MU STUDIED BY LASER-SATURATED MOLECULAR ABSORPTION. Physical Review Letters. 4-+. 1969 A molecular beam reference for laser frequency stabilization. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. 367-367. 1968 ANGULAR DEPENDENCE OF LASER PHOTODETACHMENT OF NEGATIVE IONS OF CARBON OXYGEN AND HYDROGEN. Journal of Chemical Physics. 943-&. 1968 ELECTRON AFFINITY OF HELIUM VIA LASER PHOTODETACHMENT OF ITS NEGATIVE ION. Physical Review Letters. 737-&. 1967 OPTICAL HETERODYNE MEASUREMENT OF NEON LASERS MILLIMETER WAVE DIFFERENCE FREQUENCY. Applied Physics Letters. 152-&. 1967 Two quantum photoionization of Cs and I-. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. 109-109. 1966 LASER DOUBLE-QUANTUM PHOTODETACHMENT OF IMINUS. Physical Review Letters. 1013-+. 1965 STUDY OF ANTHRACENE FLUORESCENCE EXCITED BY RUBY GIANT-PULSE LASER. Physical Review Letters. 364-+. 1963 ... more
awards and honors NAI Fellow, conferred by National Academy of Inventors, 2018 Nobel Prize-Physics, conferred by Nobel Foundation, 2005 Max Born Award, conferred by Optica, 2002 Arthur L. Schawlow Prize in Laser Science, conferred by American Physical Society, 1993 Frederic Ives Medal / Quinn Endowment Winners, conferred by Optica, 1991 Davisson-Germer Prize in Atomic or Surface Physics, conferred by American Physical Society, 1988 NAS Members, conferred by National Academy of Sciences, 1984 Charles Hard Townes Award, conferred by Optica, 1984 Fellows, conferred by Optica, 1979 Fellow, conferred by American Physical Society, 1973 ... more
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