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Publications in VIVO

Bryan, Angela



Research Areas research areas


research overview

  • Dr. Bryan is co-director of the CU Center for Health and Neuroscience, Genes, and Environment where the main thrust of her research has focused on a transdisciplinary approach to the study of health and risk behavior, and the development of interventions to improve health behaviors including physical activity, diet, sexual risk behavior, and substance use. Most recently, she and her colleagues have been heavily focused on the public health implications of cannabis legalization. They study harm reduction in the context of high potency concentrates as well as potential benefits of cannabis in terms of anxiety, pain, opiate use, and cancer. Dr. Bryan’s work has been continuously funded by NIH institutes including NIAAA, NCI, NIA, NIDA, and NINR.


  • health psychology, health behavior, exercise, diet, cannabis, genetics, neurocognition, biopsychosocial model, HIV/STD, mating psychology


selected publications


courses taught

  • PSYC 1001 - General Psychology
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2021 / Spring 2022 / Fall 2023
    Provides a foundation for engaging with scientific research on human behavior, and surveys the basic principles and theories of psychology. Topics include biological and hereditary influences on behavior; human perception, attention, learning, and memory; social influences; personality; psychiatric disorders and treatments.
  • PSYC 3111 - Psychological Science 2: Research Methods in Psychology
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2020
    Provides a foundation in research methodology to give students the ability to design, conduct, analyze, and present (both verbally and in writing) an empirical study in psychology. Allows students to be effective producers and consumers of research.
  • PSYC 4011 - Senior Thesis
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2020 / Spring 2022 / Fall 2022
    Critically reviews some aspect of psychological literature, scholarly analysis of a major psychological issue, and/or empirical research project. See the psychology honors director for further information.
  • PSYC 4541 - Special Topics in Psychology - Social Science
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2021 / Summer 2021 / Fall 2021
    Examines individual or social dimensions of human behavior. Students will develop expertise in basic theories, as well as in measurement techniques and data interpretation regarding issues of societal significance. Students will consider applications of that knowledge, ranging from the development of new theory to solving problems. Particular section content is determined by instructor. PSYC 4541 and/or PSYC 4551 may be taken 3 times with different topics, for a total of 9 credits
  • PSYC 4606 - Advanced Topics in Social Psychology
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2018 / Spring 2023
    In-depth study of selected topics in social psychology. Particular section content each semester is determined by the instructor. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours, provided the topics vary.
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