Primary research interest- study of plasma physical and energetic particle phenomena in planetary magnetospheres and in Earth's vicinity, space instrument design, space physics data analysis, magnetospheric modeling. Prolific author and Fellow - American Geophysical Union (AGU), American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, American Association for the Advancement of Science. Member International Academy of Astronautics and U.S. National Academy of Engineering. Served on national/international scientific committees - Chair National Research Council Committee on Solar and Space Physics, Pres. Space Physics and Aeronomy section AGU, Chair National Academies 2013-2022 Decadal Survey Solar and Space Physics. Member NASA and National Academy panels/committees. Advisory panels U.S. Air Force and NSF. Investigator NASA space missions: MESSENGER, MMS, RBSP, IMAP. Numerous awards: 2016 Co. Governor’s Award High-Impact Research, 2018 AGU Bowie Medal, 2019 EGU Alfven Medal. Elected to Washington's Cosmos Club (2022).
space weather, Van Allen radiation belts, planetary science, space technology, hardware design, space policy, data analysis methods
ASTR 4800 - Space Science: Practice and Policy
Primary Instructor
Spring 2021
Exposes students to current controversies in science that illustrate the scientific method and the interplay of observation, theory, and science policy. Students research and debate both sides of the issues, which include strategies and spin-offs of space exploration, funding of science, big vs. small science, and scientific heresy and fraud. Recommended prerequisite: one year of college level astronomy or physics.